Does the size of your waist increases your diabetes and heart attack risk?
Waist circumference is a simple check, but it is an accurate way to determine if you are carrying excess fat in the body around the middle.
The section of the body that stores most fat is an essential sign about the risk of developing ongoing health problems due to diabetes and heart attack. Excess body fat around the middle causes more health risk that when the weight is the hips and thighs.
Most adults regardless of their height or build can determine the level of internal fat deposits that coat the internal organs is excessive their waist measurement exceeds 94 centimeters for the men and 80 centimeters for women. The fat in the middle shows that most of the fat deposits are in heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas and digestive organs. Fast deposits on these organs increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Waist measurement helps is assessing the risk of diabetes and heart attack by because it helps to determine if the middle has more amount of fat. You can measure it along the body mass index (BMI) and use these tools together to find an indication of the risk that occurs due to excess body fat.
Importance Waist Circumference in Evaluating The Risk Of Diabetes And Heart Attack Risk
The circumference of the waist is more a reliable way to measure the amount of abdominal or visceral fat. This refers to the fat around the middle section including the belly.BMI is the measurement that many people have been using to determine if they have excess body fat. BMI measures general obesity without distinguishing between the fat around the waist or the hips. The fat around the waist requires more attention because of it metabolically more active than fat around the hips. It has a close association with insulin resistance and might have a stronger association with a risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and stroke.
These measures of fat distribution are more suitable indicators for risked cardiovasculardisease risk
- Waist circumference
- Waist-to-hip ratio
- Waist-to-height ratio
A study suggests that measuring the size of the waistline and comparing it to hip size may be a better way of predicting a risk of heart disease than BMI that has been in extensive use but is based on the high and weight alone. It does not concern its measures to consider the distribution of fat in the body.
How Does The Size Of Your Waistline Increase The Risk Of Diabetes And Heart Attack?
A little bit of fat around the middle is essential because it helps to protect the vital organs. However, it is essential to limit the amount of abdominal fat because it produces more inflammatory chemicals that interfere with the normal functioning of the body than fat that settles in otherparts of the body including the nearby buttocks and thighs. The excess inflammatory chemicals that visceral fat releases in plenty will cause more profound effects on other body parts. These effects include an increase in the risk of developing chronic diseases, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes.
Mean with a circumference of 94 or more centimeters are at an increased risk of developing a chronic. A measure of 102 centimeters or more shows the person is a significantly increased risk. The corresponding figures for women are slightly lower as experts place them at 80 and 88 centimeters.
Something of concern is that the average waist measurement has increased to reach 97.5 centimeters for men and 87.5 for women. These measurements are above average. It happened in many places all over the world, and an increase in sedentary lifestyle places people in the category of increased risk.
How to Measure the Waist Circumference Accurately
You should follow theseconsiderations when tasking waistline measurementto get an accurate figure.
- Take off external clothing around the waist
- Stand upright
- Part your feet to shoulder width
- Place the tape measure halfway between bottoms of the lowest rib and top of the hip bone
- Wrap your tape around this point against the skin while breathing normally and check the measurement
The tape should not be too tight and should leave space that is loose enough to allow slipping of a finger.
Waist circumference might be slightly inaccurate are certain situations like pregnancy medical conditions that are causing abdomen distension. Some groups like Chinese, Japanese, South Asian and the Aboriginal people can have varying measurements of their waistline, and it is essential for them or anyone in a situation that might vary standard measure to consult a doctor.