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Important of Capstone Project to Students

Why a Capstone Project is Important for Nursing Students

A capstone project is a more experiential study that nursing students are normally required to complete before they graduate. It is more research-oriented and enables students take whatever they have learnt during their graduate program into application by examining a specific area. The solutions that a capstone project comes up with are those that can be implemented or used. At , we try to help students understand why the capstone project is important to them as nursing students before advising them on how to go about it. 

Nurses play an important role in the society by providing care to seriously ill patients while they are in hospitals. But today, this is only part of their roles. Many patients are increasingly having their stays in hospitals cut shorter and visiting such facilities less frequent because most nurses now focus on larger health concerns of families, and individuals in a community. Most colleges today have programs for their students in senior year to develop capstone projects that will enable them put the knowledge and the skills that they have accumulated into use by improving the health as well as the well-being of the communities around them.

These are the Community Capstones that last for a year and involves groups of student nurses who work with various visiting nurses programs in most hospitals. They also use their projects to participate in diabetes education initiatives as well as country-wide efforts to help teen parents. Nursing students may identify a specific health issue in the society with the help their senior counterparts who are already in the practice and develop plans for intervention.

A capstone project helps one t cap their student experiences. For instance, the community project stated above, the students can draw on their learning in classrooms, clinical experiences, and studies and apply them properly to a context that is larger and can impact on many people in the community. While working with communities, students further develop their leadership and communication skills. The capstone project, therefore, enables them to develop a relationship with the community that is both sustainable and collaborative to address the health issues at hand. 

A capstone project also helps the nursing students to identify community needs that need urgent attention. It gives them the opportunity to review the health trends of a given locality or among a specific age bracket and focus their efforts on possible solutions to save the generation. For instance, if in their studies, students find that the elderly are the most affected with a specific disease, they might launch a campaign that creates awareness of the disease among everyone. 

When students write capstone projects that give them an opportunity to work directly with communities, they are able to develop strong partnerships not only between their institutions and the community, but also between themselves and the communities. These relationships are always mutually beneficial. Furthermore, most of the nursing capstone projects will involve students working closely with hospitals and their staffs and can find out some of the challenges that health care givers face. What this means is that with their capstone projects, the students will be able to offer solutions on what need to be done to make the caregivers feel their services are appreciated.

Writing a capstone project needs a lot of dedication and patience. What most nursing students find difficult to do is to come up with a topic that will offer a solution that the communities need urgently. At, we advise students on how they should go about writing good capstone projects. You don’t have to get stuck when you can get in touch with us. if you need a nursing capstone project paper written, our team can help you write a professional one.

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