Nursing Management of Congestive Heart Failure

Type: Research Paper

Subject: Evidenced based research

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 8 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: apa format 7th edition use the concept of perfusion and evidence-based practice no need for patient data sheet or medication sheet use the patient from the case study attached 

College of DuPage  

Associate Degree Nursing Program  

Course Syllabus for Nursing 2120 

Course Title and Number:  

 NUR 2120 Health and Illness Concepts II  

 Course Description:  

Further explores concepts of health and illness within the context of the four domains: nursing, individual, health, and  environment. Emphasis on human response to acute alterations in multidimensional processes and restoration of  homeostasis. Prerequisite: Nursing 1220 with a grade of C or better or equivalent, Nursing 1230 with a grade of C or  better or equivalent, English 1101 with a grade of C or better or equivalent and Speech 1100 or Speech 1120 with a grade  of C or better or equivalent (2 lecture hours, 6 lab hours)  

Nursing 2120 Evidence Based Research Paper  

Total points: 20  


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is twofold: 1) To provide an opportunity for students to research a patient’s  disease process, concurrent medical history, and coping strategies; and 2) To develop a scholarly paper.    

Objectives: In the student's own words, the student will:  


1. Describe the pathophysiology of a selected patient’s disease process.  


2. Discuss a selected patient’s physical assessment and relate it to the pathophysiology of the disease process.    

3. Describe ways in which the selected disease process may alter the selected patient’s developmental process.    

4. Review the selected patient’s medical history, concurrent disease processes, and medication history.    

5. Discuss three professional nursing journal articles that relate to the disease process.    

6. Discuss one out-patient/community resource appropriate for the selected patient.  


7. Plan long term nursing care for the selected patient.  


General Guidelines for the Evidenced-Based Research Paper  


The selected patient should have a disease related to the concepts in this course (Gas Exchange, Perfusion, Evidence,  Acid-base balance, Glucose Regulation, Inflammation.)  

  • The paper should be in a formal writing style, using APA format, double-spaced, correct margins, 12-font, etc.  (See APA criteria, 7th edition)  
  • There is a two-point deduction for papers not submitted on the due date; additional one-point deductions each  day thereafter. This paper is a course requirement and must be submitted within seven days of the due date or an  “F” course grade will be recorded.  
  • Submit the evidence-based research paper, data sheets (working copies of patient care), and a copy of each of the  three professional nursing journal articles discussed in the paper. At least two of the professional nursing journal  articles should be research focused. All three articles should be no older than five years.  
  • In order to respect patient privacy, refer to the patient by using the initials only.  
  • See Nursing Handbook and College of DuPage Catalog regarding plagiarism.  
  • The paper should be submitted by the due date. The student must submit a paper copy to the clinical instructor. • Portfolio Research Assignment: Each student has the responsibility of placing an ungraded copy of their  research paper in their electronic portfolio. 
  • Students must post a reflection on this portfolio project. It should be posted to the “Assignments” content area in  Blackboard (see rubric). The due date for the Portfolio Research Assignment can be found on the course  calendar. Both the completed research paper and reflection need to be posted to the student portfolio by the day  of the final exam. 

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