Chronic kidney disease

Type: Essay

Subject: Issues in Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: st. francis school of nursing care plan and article • complete a clinical documentation tool related to your clinical assignment. • all areas of the clinical documentation tool must be completed (use client initials only). • submit with your clinical documentation tool and one professional nursing journal article (no greater than 5 years) that relates to the diagnosis of your specific client. include a summary of how the information relates to your client's diagnosis, nursing interventions, medication, and how you will use this information to update your plan of care for this client. the paper and article should be in apa format. • the nursing care plan needs to be completed correctly, as this assignment is designed to ensure you are able to prioritize patient care, compile clinical data using clinical judgment while analyzing the nursing process as it relates to your patient health status. the assignment consist of completing the care plan found on blackboard, complete each section and its entirety (with the exception of the wid sheet). when documenting abnormal labs, you must provide what each lab is indicative of. i.e. hemoglobin of 6.9, low indicative of blood loss, ckd, aplastic anemia etc. md notified and an order for prbc ordered. • the assignment must be typed and submitted electronically to your instructor's email by the due date as provided. your article must be attached, along with your paper and your care plan. • the article should be either the admitting diagnosis or the past medical history that is secondary to the admitting diagnosis. i.e. admitted with osteomyelitis of the right foot however pmh of diabetes ii. so essentially, you could find an article on osteomyelitis or diabetes type ii. • the article should be a synopsis that is read and analyzed in two pages discussing the article's relevance and how it pertains to your patient's diagnosis, interventions, medications, outcomes and patient education. lastly, what you learned from the chosen article and how your patient will benefit from this information. • a title and reference page must be included as well as apa formatting (12 pt. times new roman, double-space etc.) which is not associated with the two pages listed. in total, four pages should be submit, a title, two pages (no more than) from the article and a reference page. no wikipedia or any websites that are not credible such as blogs, forums or etc. no abstract! it may be necessary to use your textbooks in addition to others as references to support your data. a guide can be found from purdue owl: • 5 point will be deducted for every day that it is late.

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