English 2311

Type: Fact sheet ( Technical writing class)

Subject: Technical writing project.

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Single

Instructions: Product Description and Definition 

This writing assignment is due before midnight on 

For this assignment, choose an existing physical product and create your own ORIGINAL technical marketing literature for that product – no plagiarism will be tolerated! Your materials  should be presented in a single file, but you may choose a format such as a tri-fold brochure, a  Powerpoint presentation, or a fact sheet. Submit your work in a single document or file (using  PDF format, if necessary), or a Prezi presentation – and be creative! 

Your literature should include a clear definition of the product you chose, incorporating  at least two of the expansion methods provided for definitions in Chapter 17 of our textbook.  Your literature should also follow the “Guidelines for Technical Marketing Materials” in Chapter  18 of our textbook. Regardless of the format you choose, your assignment MUST include EACH  of the following elements to receive full credit: 

- clear identification of the product you are marketing 

- complete and thorough definition of the product, using at least two 

 distinct expansion methods 

- clear identification of the major features of your chosen product 

- appropriate visual images 

- multiple colors 

- pertinent technical specifications, as needed 

- professional and appropriate language 

- proper citations for any sources used  

In preparing this assignment, choose your product carefully. Try to use a PHYSICAL  product that has a number of features you can describe for your audience, but avoid objects  that are overly simple (such as a paper clip) or overly complex (like a cell phone or a computer)  for best results. The evaluation rubric that will be used to grade your submission is attached to  this assignment. 

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