MS504 Part 1 - Scientific and Analytic approach to advanced EBP. MS505

Type: Assignments

Subject: Part 1-Scientific and Analytic Approaches to Advanced EBP. Part -2 Epidemiology and Health promotion

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 3 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: MS504 Unit 1 Discussion. Discussion Instruction: In one page or 275 words describe how to create a compelling clinical question in practice review. In this discussion, provide a definition of compelling clinical questions that exemplify how a clinical question is developed for evidence review. Include 2–3 references utilizing APA 7th edition formatting. 

Direction: Your discussion questions this week specifically addresses a compelling clinical question. Choose a question which is interesting to you as an AGNP. This question will be the question you will use for the remainder of all the assignments in this course. Use the following PICOT format only-this promotes clarity and will support your future course assignments.

Discussion Rubric: Thorough identification of the importance of the subject matter to the individual, clinical, and professional.
Supports discussion concepts through personal experience and evidence-based information. Provides a well-written reflection that is clearly connected to the outcomes and clinical insight. Clear critical thinking acknowledges application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  No grammar, word usage, or punctuation errors. Overall style is consistent with professional work.
Format/Style/APA/ Citations.  Writing style facilitates communication.
Provides at least 3 references that are relevant to the content and published within the last five years.

Textbook: Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing & Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice Edition: 4th (2018) Author: Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk Publisher: Lippincott Book ISBN: 978-1-4963-8453-9

 Textbook Readings

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare

  • “Making the Case for Evidence-Based Practice and Cultivating a Spirit of Inquiry”
  • “Asking Compelling, Clinical Questions”
  • “Finding Relevant Evidence to Answer Clinical Questions”

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