NSG 5000-Health Promotion

Health Promotion on Diabetes Mellitus

              Diabetes mellitus is a primary contributory cause of strokes, amputations, heart attacks, blindness, kidney failure, and impotence especially when it is poorly controlled. The frequency of diabetes is increasing worldwide. However, there is convincing evidence from clinical trials that education and lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of diabetes. Also, new therapies can minimize the burden of mortality and morbidity. For Sara to organize a successful health fair that will address health promotion about diabetes mellitus, she needs to embrace specific advanced practice nurse roles, core competencies, and get the necessary support.

            According to Bryant‐Lukosius, et al. (2016), health promotion is considered a primary role of advanced practice nurses. To promote health about diabetes, Sara will perform various activities within the healthcare facility including providing patient education and giving advice to patients and creating a healthy hospital environment for the patients. Provision of patient education and advice is an essential element in health promotion among diabetes patients.

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             Moreover, Sara will need various core competencies to organize the affair which will guarantee high quality and effectiveness of delivered care. Ethical values are of crucial importance to the practice of health promotion (Thomas, 2017). These core competencies include accountability, responsibility, skillfulness, efficiency, keep observation and judgment, and willingness to serve. Besides, Sarah may require specific education and training to maintain the particular combination of skills and knowledge to ensure the promotion of health quality practice.

             These competencies will be useful in working with other health professionals as other parties who will be involved in the health promotion activity. To organize a successful health promotion fair, Sarah will need support from her institution inform of funds and workforce. She may also need material support such as flyers and brochures which she will use for teaching her audience about prevention and management of diabetes.  



  1. Bryant?Lukosius, D. et al. (2016). Framework for evaluating the impact of advanced practice nursing roles. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 48(2), 201-209
  2. Thomas, A., Crabtree, M. K., Delaney, K. Marfell, J., and Wolf, A. (2017). Nurse practitioner core competencies content.

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