Type: Dissertation Literature Review

Subject: Oncology Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 11 pages

Referencing style: Harvard - standard

Preferred English: UK English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: themes emerging from the literature (3) should be critically analyzed as well as discussion and findings to be included. 3 themes i have already chosen and written but it was not appropriate according to the masters level. you may write according to the same 3 themes chosen, more critically according to the master's level (level9). i will attach the written document and the feedback given by the supervisor for your convenience. and also i will attach the table of articles.(24 articles chosen for the study) referencing style - havard (anglia ruskin university) source of references should be mentioned including the accessed date. for example, tokdemir, g. and kav, s., 2017. the effect of structured education to patients receiving oral agents for cancer treatment on medication adherence and self-efficacy. asia-pacific journal of oncology nursing, 4(4), p.290. available at: < https> [accessed 4 april 2021]. at least 40 references should be included. word count - 3000 + font - times new roman size - 12

Focus: on 3 themes, as well as findings and discussion paragraphs to be written.


Important notes: please focus the word count on ( supervisor feedback which is highlighted in the document attached as well as the themes emerging from the literature, findings, and discussion as i wrote this task by myself, and these sections are not appropriately critically analyzed according to the supervisor. if you want to add or alter subheadings you may do so as per yours wish. hereby i will be sending the written document including the feedback from the supervisor and the table of 24 articles that i have chosen for the study. please be kind enough to deliver the document before the deadline. please deliver me along with a plagiarism report.

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