Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership - C489 Healthcare organizations

Type: Assignments

Subject: Nursing Leadership Course

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 10 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: accredited by the Joint Commission are required to conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) in response to any sentinel event, such as the one described in the scenario attached below. Once the cause is identified and a plan of action established, it is useful to conduct a failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to reduce the likelihood that a process would fail. As a member of the healthcare team in the hospital described in this scenario, you have been selected as a member of the team investigating the incident.

Instructions: a. explain the general purpose of conducting a root cause analysis (rca). 1. explain each of the six steps used to conduct an rca, as defined by ihi. 2. apply the rca process to the scenario to describe the causative and contributing factors that led to the sentinel event outcome. b. propose a process improvement plan that would decrease the likelihood of a reoccurrence of the scenario outcome. 

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