Patient Falls

Type: Research Paper

Subject: Patient Falls

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 4 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: criteria • introduction to the research proposal to be studied: • statement of the problem clearly defined/significance to nursing • purpose and significance of evidence based project • discuss your pico/pio questions p= population = intervention (exposure, issue) c= comparison* 0 = outcome t = time* (2-3 pages) background/context: logically organized literature review synthesis of literature (not synopsis) - at least 4 peer-reviewed sources. connect literature review to the proposed issue or problem gaps in knowledge about the problem are apparent purpose of the present ebi is reviewed again definition of terms


Important notes: this is a group project and i’m only responsible for covering the introduction and background/context part. my topic is over patient falls. i attached the form & highlighted/boxed/starred the information i’m needing for my paper. thank you so much.

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