Reflection of two movies

Type: Reports

Subject: Abuse in Healthcare setting

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 3 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: -select two of the following movies to write your reflection the burning bed. (1984) starring farrah fawcett enough. (2002) starring jennifer lopez write a reflection that addresses all of the following: 2pts_____ - what was the role of the abusers in these movies (characteristics that are linked to your course materials). 2pts_____- the impact of the abuse on the victim(s), the abusers, and those around them. 2pts_____- what was the role of the victims in these movie (describe characteristics that are linked to your course work). 2pts_____- what if you were the abuser’s healthcare provider what interventions would you provide? what kind of resources could you provide these victims? 4pts_____- based on the material presented in this course what correlations can you make between the movies and the course materials? 4pts_____- finally, how did viewing these movies impact your perception of the type of abuse portrayed in the movie? 4pts_____ -overall the reflection should thread the course materials together, with the movies interpretations, in a cohesive manner which demonstrates that you overall grasp the impact of abuse. 5pts _____ -for overall grammar/punctuation/sentence structure and flow. __________ out of 25 for your final grade reflections will be graded based on the above rubric and are expected to be submitted as a word document, font 12 double spaced, and at least three pages in length.

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