Reflective essay

Type: Essay

Subject: Reflection essay

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Phd Program

Length: 7 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: reflection essay 2000 words apa 6 reference style at least 10 references you will complete a self-reflective evaluation of their performance as a team member, reflecting on one technical and one non-technical skill. please identify areas of strength and areas requiring future development and outline a learning plan, including appropriate resources, to address your future learning needs. please find attached the lab simulation scenario we used for an idea of what we did and the type of patients we are looking after at the simulation lab. we had a 4 hour lab simulation class with different patients and scenarios, we also need to wear full covid ppe during the simulation. those are the skills (technical and non – technical skills that i think would be good to reflect on it) technical skills to reflect on: iv medication more specific heparin continue infusion. non – technical skills to reflect on: time management skills when attending more than 1 patient. in your discussion of technical and non-technical skills, you are to draw on current evidence to critically evaluate whether their clinical performance was commensurate to current best practices. where possible, please highlight how you could improve your practice. the reflection is to be structured using gibbs (1986) reflective framework. structure of reflection using gibbs (1988) framework overall, since you are reflecting on 2 skills you can either do 2 gibbs cycles one for each skill or you can combine them and have the 2 skills described in each section. both are correct, just keep in mind that the first way will take up more words. please use headings and subheadings throughout. introduction / description what happened? what aspect of the simulation are you reflecting upon? can combine the intro and description if you want. feelings what were you thinking and feeling? evaluation what was positive and challenging about the experience. analysis what sense can you make of the situation? use the evidence base to help you analyse what happened. if you are discussing a clinical situation then what does the evidence base recommend as best practice? is this what occurred or was it the case that best practice was not followed? you can do the same for a teamwork or leadership issue, by reviewing the evidence base and identifying what is recommended. the highest number of marks are going to the analysis section, so this is where you need to be most in-depth. conclusion having undertaken the reflection, what will your approach to the same situation be in the future? action/learning plan what is your action/learning plan to resolve any deficits you might have; are there any courses you could undertake? if so, what are you hoping to learn from them and when will you aim to complete them by? be specific in your action plan this assessment should be submitted in a modified essay format. this means students are required to include an introduction, body, and conclusion in their work. headings should be used - but dot points, lists, pictures, and tables are not acceptable. you will need to analyse the current literature including research papers and journal articles to answer the question. the essay must show evidence of critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of relevant research literature. that is, textbooks and other secondary sources do not qualify as suitable reference material for uncovering the evidence base for best practice. pubmed, the cumulative index of nursing and allied health literature (cinahl) and medline are useful sources to locate the research evidence for this essay. protocols may be used as references if relevant to the case study and contemporary australian nursing practice; however, of possible you should reference the original source. grading criteria/rubric: students are encouraged to review these criteria while developing their work, when reviewing the final submission and when considering feedback. assessment top tips: • read the marking criteria to appreciate where marks will be given • ensure you proof-read your assignment for typographical and grammatical errors • ensure referencing style is apa 6th or 7th edition • use the gibbs (1988) reflective cycle and structure your assignment around the stages of the cycle

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