Respiratory Disease: COPD


Subject: Respiratory Disease: COPD

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: College

Length: 8 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: Healthy People 2030 Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) 

Individual APA formatted Assignment & Group Presentation 

Guidelines for individual Assignment: 

1. Healthy People 2030 topics needs to be approved with EBP topic for each student from website (Must have course instructor approval before using). One broad topic umbrella for the powerpoint presentation and then each student must have an EBP paper that agrees with it. 


2. Assignment must be double paced, include: Cover page, numbered, and running head in top left, and reference page properly sited. Use proper APA format: Visit this site better utilize APA formatting. 

3. The Individual written assignment needs to be at 2000 words no more than 2500 words. The Group Presentation needs to be 20-30 slides total (does not include the title, reference, or intro/conclusion) 

4. Include at least 5 references in your individual paper no more than 5 years old (this means your article has to be no older than 2016-2021. Must be scholarly peer reviewed Only. This means you may not use CDC, The textbooks, Healthy People website, or any other google source. Keep in mind a source is not proper if you are missing a date and an author(s). Please use the Stark State Digital Library for all your articles. NO GOOGLE searches. 

5. Include in your individual assignment or research paper: Introduction, conclusion, at least 4 areas related to the Healthy People 2030 with EBP; such as the problem and what was caused, the trials or options, and the final solution with EBP and references. You can use the objectives as your points. (Remember this is to be factual NOT your opinion so no 1st or 2nd person) Must use 3rd person only. (Avoid words such as me, you, we, or I). Also include any current useful resources utilized related to the topic. Include in text citations throughout your paper. 

6. The Individual assignment is worth 3% & The Group Presentation is worth 2% total = 5% overall. The grade is included in your final score. 

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