Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services

The risk for infection is to be at a higher risk for getting pathogenic organisms invasion that other people. when administering a nursing medical care to a patient diagnosed with this condition, Risk for Infection Care Plan provides the various set of actions need for effective management. It is often challenging to understand how to write a perfect Risk for Infection Care Plan. Being restrained by time and inadequate access to resources, Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services come in handy to help. Nursing Writing Services has the best writers to handle Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services and provide you with a quality care plan.

Risk for Infection Care Plan Diagnosis

Increased risk of infection does not mean that there is an existing disease. It is still important to have identification if factors that increase the risk as part of the care plan to determine the best ways of preventing infections.

Various health problems and condition increase chances of infection by providing a favorable environment for the development of infections. The common risk factors are:

  • Compromise on host defenses by conditions such as diabetes, HIV or cancer.
  • Inadequate primary defenses such as broken skin or tissue damage
  • Compromised circulation for example by obesity or peripheral vascular disease
  • Insufficient knowledge on avoiding exposure to pathogens
  • Presence of a site that is open to organism invasion, e.g., an opening on the skin after surgery or dialysis
  • Contact with contagious agents
  • Lack of immunization
  • Increased vulnerability to infants such as those born by HIV- positive mothers or those without maternal antibodies
  • Rupture of amniotic membranes
  • Sex with multiple partners
  • Chronic diseases

Risk for Infection Care Plan Goals and Outcomes

A caregiver should think of the goals that should be achieved at the end of care. The main intention is to identify the risk factors for different infections and take precautions.

Care giving becomes successful when the care plan achieves these outcomes that empower the patient to:

  • Stay free of infection evidenced by a lack of signs and symptoms indicating presence of an illness
  • Recognize signs of disease early for prompt treatment
  • Demonstrate commitment and understanding of hygiene techniques such as hand washing

Risk for Infection Care Plan Assessment and Rationales

Assessment is an essential part of care plan as it helps the caregiver to identify the risk factors that increase the vulnerability of a patient to infection and design a care plan that adequately addresses the cause. A nurse can help the patient to find solve the issue by first performing these assessments to determine why someone is at more risk than others.

Presence or history of risk factors

The presence of risk factors like those above shows a break in the first line of defense. An increase WBC (white blood cell) count of more than 4.500-11,000 shows the body is trying to combat some pathogens. A very low WBC count of less than 4,500 indicates a risk of severe infection. It I important to double check in older patients as they can have an infection within an increase in WBC.

Assess nutritional status, serum albumin, weight and history of sudden loss: Poor nutritional status might compromise the immune response to pathogens thereby increasing the risk of infection

Assess current and past immunization status: People with incomplete immunizations can have insufficient acquired active immunity.

Investigate existence of immune suppression: Use of medicine and treatment modalities that could cause immune suppression. Medications such as antineoplastic agents and corticosteroids reduce immunity

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Risk for Infection Care Plan Nursing Interventions and Rationales

The success of care plan depends on the interventions that a caregiver will make. These nursing interventions help to reduce the risk of infection.

Introduce the patient to food rich in protein and calories

Taking a nutritious diet rich in proteins and calories helps in supporting the response of the immune system

Encourage taking of adequate amount of fluids

Fluids promote dilution of urine and increase frequency of emptying the bladder thus reducing the status of urine. Frequent passing of urine minimizes the risk of urinary tract and bladder infection. Encourage the patient to take 2-3000 ml of water unless there is a medical reason not to take such an amount.

Teach the patient to breathe deep and cough

Teach the patient to cough and breathe deeply then practice the skills. It helps to reduce static secretion in the bronchial tree and lungs. The occurrence of states increases the risk of pathogens appearance in the upper section of respiratory tract causing infections and pneumonia.

Recommend use of stool softeners and soft bristled toothbrushes

This act helps to protect the mucous membranes from the mouth all the way down from injury which will provide an entry port for pathogens.

Isolate the patient

If the patient is hospitalized are under medical care from a bout of infection m, it is wise to restrict visitation. It helps to reduce chances of pathogen transmission.

A caregiver should teach the patient about the importance of washing hands. The caregiver should also wash hands before and after attending to the patient or handling any body fluids. Friction from soap and running water removes infection-causing microorganisms from the hands.

Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services

Our writers have vast experience in the writing having worked with different groups of nurses and students backed with training in medical and nursing sciences. This makes us stand out as the best Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services provider. With a reputation as the leading Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services, we are committed to make sure our clients get the value of their money. You can get Risk for Infection Care Plan Writing Services now at Nursing Writing Services


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