Stress Urinary Incontinence Care Plan

stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services.

Stress urinary incontinence is the sudden, unanticipated leakage of urine with activities that cause an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and it requires a good stress urinary incontinence care plan in order to fix the situation.Nursing Writing Services is one of the best nursing writing companies which has the best writers on stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services.

Stress urinary incontinence will take place when urine leaks due to exertion or when participating in physical activity. It can happen during what seems to be a regular activity such as coughing, changing position, lifting something heavy or exercising. Women are at higher risk.

Stress Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Diagnosis

The beginning of helping a patient to deal with stress urinary incontinence is by incorporating diagnosis into the care plan. The signs and symptoms pointing to its existence are:

Patient reports of involuntary leakage of urine in small amounts after activities that involve exertion or intraabdominal pressure. The caregiver should also make an effort to observe the leakage. Observation or patient reports about the leaking of urine (small amounts) even in the absence of distended bladder or detrusor contraction.

Stress Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Goals and outcomes

A caregiver must have specific goals for stress urinary incontinence as part of the care plan to help the patient in achieving the following:

  • Eliminate episodes of incontinence
  • Implement activities that increase muscle tone in the abdomen and pelvic floor

Stress Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Nursing Assessment

A care plan achieves the expected outcomes when the caregiver is sure about the condition which is affecting a patient. It is crucial, to begin by establishing the stress urinary incontinence through these assessments and examinations.

Interview the patient about involuntary loss of urine

It is essential for caregivers to ask a patient about the time when the unintentional loss of urine occurs to determine what could the cause. If for instance, the patient leaks amounts of urine after sneezing, laughing, coughing or lifting, it points to weakness in pelvic floor muscles /sphincter relaxing the ability to control urine flow after increased intraabdominal pressure.

Examine the perineal area to check for signs of pelvic relaxation

A physical examination helps to determine the flowing statuses of the pelvic floor:

  • Sagging of the bladder or urethra(Cystourethrocele)
  • Relaxed or sagging rectal mucosa(Rectocele)
  • Relaxed uterus ( Uterine prolapse)


The presence of the above conditions leads to incontinence because it leads to poor muscular control

Find out about past surgical procedures: Transurethral resection of the prostate gland can cause urinary incontinence in men as it contributes to decrease of muscle tone on the urethrovesical junction.

Review of menstrual history and parity: The caregiver should ask women about this history as postmenopausal estrogen deficiency (hypoestrogenism) contributes to relaxation of the urethra. Pregnancy and vaginal births weaken the pelvic muscles. Multiple pregnancies increase the weakness.

Stress Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Interventions

These nursing interventions are an essential part of the care plan to help the patient in overcoming stress urinary incontinence.

Teach and train patients on Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises help to strengthen pelvic floor muscles with minimum exertion. Ten tightening and relaxing exercises four to five times per day enable the patients in regaining continence. A patient can use combine Kegel exercises with biofeedback to increase positive outcome.

Encourage weight loss

A caregiver should help obese patients to lose weight as obesity increases intra-abdominal pressure on the bladder.

Teach the patient in determining and maintaining adequate fluid intake

Drinking water helps to maintain the body in healthy state. A caregiver should encourage patients to continue taking adequate amounts of fluid as many avoid in the hop of reducing incontinence episodes.

Provide information absorption techniques

A caregiver can improve comfort or patients by introducing pads, replacement briefs or pad-pant systems designed for controlling urinary incontinence. Most absorptive products do not have the right design for absorbing urine, protecting the perineal skin and preventing odor. A caregiver should help the patient and the family to identify the absorptive devices that will contain double incontinence and urine more efficiently than household products.

Refer the patient to Biofeedback training

Biofeedback techniques in combination with pressure manometry or electromyography help the patient to learn the best way to contract the pelvic floor muscles and controlling incontinences.

Collaborate with physicians

A caregiver should work closely with physicians by ensuring that the patient takes medicine for improving pelvic muscle and bladder sphincter tone. If a physician is going to treat the patient surgically, a caregiver prepares the patient for the procedure and offers the necessary care during recuperation.

stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services

Nursing Writing Services is a top-ranked writing company well-known for its reliable stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services, we manage to write good care plans since our writers are skilled and well experienced in writing. We work with writers with masters and Ph.D. degrees in nursing to keep up high standard writing services. We have provided stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services to many nursing students globally and all we get is a thank you feedback from our customers as they are happy with our writings.

In need of stress urinary incontinence care plan writing services, order with us already, we work 24/7 and we take our customers orders with a lot of respect. We will make sure you get back your care plan paper in good time, clean free from plagiarism and grammar errors.

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