
Type: Assignments

Subject: Nursing Leadership Course

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions:  Describe the two specialties you read about in chap. 10 and/or 11. What makes the population unique? How can teleheath improve outcomes in those population


Technology discovery has been a great landmark in the medical field. Tele-dermatology is a sub-facet of dermatology, a branch of medicine dealing with the skin and related diseases. It is known for its applicability to e-health and telemedicine. In tele-dermatology, telecommunication technologies are significantly used to transfer medical data through audio, visual, and data communication. Therefore, it can prevent the need for an intervention of a physician for dermatological patients. Importantly, it is lower in costs and efficient in practice. “it has potential to stimulate health planning, clinical case discussions, and health research, besides providing dermatological care to populations in remote areas with poor access to in-person specialist consultations” (de Araújo Novaes, 2020). It is, therefore, the most applicable method in developing countries because of its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness.

Like tele-dermatology, telecardiology includes video consultations and transmissions of electrocardiograms, angiograms, and echocardiograms. Technology has enhanced telecardiology that a cardiologist can see the patient’s heart and hear the beat, which has been very important in diagnosis and prognosis. A study, Global Burden of Disease 2015, estimated “422 million cases of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in 2015” (de Araújo Novaes, 2020), showing that CVD is still a major cause of mortalities in the world. It was later reported to be the number 1 killer disease, with 17.5 million people dying each year.  Both teledermatological and tele cardiological problems have claimed more mortalities in developing countries with no stable financial resources for medical expenses.

Populations suffer in terms of heart and skin cancers, among other vascular and dermatological conditions. These specific populations are unique because there is the only major diagnosis overall and almost a single intervention. However, with technology, medical care has improved greatly. Both patients use technology to ascertain the severity and extent of the problem; with that regard, patients use tele-dermatology and telecardiology innovations to improve their quality of health.

Telehealth, therefore, delivers not only an accurate diagnosis but also facilitates remote access to services which has been a very important aspect within the medical field, especially chronic patients with cancers, other skin infections, and cardiovascular conditions. Additionally, telehealth has improved the quality of health care in a more diverse population; more people can now access health services from where they are.  It also reduces health care costs greatly; patients can have better access to specialists, improve outcomes and better quality and increase patient engagement towards their health conditions and how well they can mitigate the severity


de Araújo Novaes, M. (2020). Telecare within different specialties. In Fundamentals of Telemedicine and Telehealth (pp. 185-254). Academic Press. 

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