Traditional Masculine and Feminine Leadership traits

Type: Assignments

Subject: Nursing Leadership Course

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Instructions: task: consider the leadership characteristics that were generated in the module 1 discussion. after reading the module 4 content overview, (gender roles and application to leadership), chapters 5 (are you my mentor?), 6 (seek and speak your truth), and 7 (don't leave before you leave), and reviewing the story x: a fabulous child's tale, post your responses to the following questions here. 1. what are the greatest complexities, from your perspective, with leadership characteristics being typically labeled "masculine" and "feminine"? 2. why do you think these characteristics are labeled this way?; do you see changes in global perceptions occurring? 3. do you see a difference between effective leadership characteristics and leadership characteristics that lead to success for the individual who possesses them? explain - and consider the role of gender in this assessment. 4. how do/can mentors assist men and women with navigating leadership in the context of gender roles and stereotypes? 5. how do you see your leadership skills evolving as authentic and strategic? 6. what barriers do you face, overall and specifically related to gender, in your leadership aspirations? be sure to refer to the class generated list of leadership traits as you discuss the major differences (real or perceived) between female and male leadership. and be sure to incorporate the story of x: a fabulous child's tale into your discussion. see attached document

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