Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help

Unilateral neglect is a condition occurring after damage to one hemisphere due to effects of a disease such a strike causing a diminishing of attention or lack of awareness to one side of the body. Over-attention is on the opposite side whereas the left side suffers from severe neglect. Nursing Writing Serviceshas best Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help for the best care plans.

Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Diagnosis

A nursing diagnosis is essential in helping a nurse to make a judgment about the likely existence of unilateral neglect to find the right information to health professionals and determine the vulnerability and right interventions. Unilateral neglect is evidenced by these signs:

  • Failure to move the head, eyes, trunk, limbs on the side of neglected hemisphere despite awareness of stimulus in that space
  • The patient appears to be unaware of positioning of the neglected limbs
  • Failure to take safety precaution for the neglected side
  • The patient avoids dressing, grooming or eating from the left side of a plate
  • Failure to notice people or objects approaching from the neglected side
  • Slight irritability
  • Need for help when performing the activities of daily living

Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Goals and outcomes

A nurse who is taking care of a unilateral neglect patient should prepare a care plan with a goal of improving the quality of life. It should also help in achieving these outcomes for the patient and family.

  • Become aware of the neglected body part
  • Identify and perform the best exercises for the neglected side
  • Identify and implement measures to create maximum functioning
  • Prepare an environment to protect the affected parts
  • Avoid injuries and skin breakdown in the affected parts
  • Identify support groups and resources to help the patient in coping with effects of unilateral neglect care

Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Assessment

An assessment by a caregiver helps in establishing the extent to which unilateral neglect care plan has affected the patient and planned the care plan accordingly.

These assessments are essential in determining the right interventions.

  •  Degree of response to stimuli on the affected side
  •  Extent of lack awareness of the affected extremities
  •  Level of coping
  •  Ability or inability to engage in personal care, activities and exercising
  •  Tissue integrity
  • Identify support groups and resources to help the patient in coping with effects of unilateral neglect care

Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Interventions and Rationales

Assist the client to cope with new reality

Support the client to the reality about the occurrence of dysfunction and the need to change ways of doing things to compensate the damage. Avoid encouraging and participating in the client's use of denial as a reason to forego activities that someone can perform without assistance. Assisting a patient to enhance coping skills provides a way of dealing with the reality to eliminate denial that can limit healing, attainment of goals and progress.

Train the patient to give attention to the neglected side

When a nurse in discussing the affected side with the patient, it is essential to touch, stroke and manipulate it for the person becomes aware of its existence. Provide the patient with items of different weight, size and texture tto hold to turn and maintain attention. Limb activation provides tactile stimuli that promote the using of the affected limb on the side of the neglected hemisphere.

Discuss environmental safety concerns and engage the Patient in planning the correct risk factors

Discussing the potential risks and prevention is essential unilateral neglect might cause a patient to have a degree of functional impairment for some time including navigation of familiar environments.

Encourage and help the patient to continue with prescribed rehabilitation activities as recommended neuropsychological therapies

Strict adherence to instructions by physician increases chances of recovery and enhance independence. Research shows that many patients with unilateral neglect show signs of early recovery within the first month and remarkable improvement in three months.

Encourage the client to look around by turning eyes and head frequently.

Frequent turning of the head and eyes make the patient compensate the loss of visual field and increase awareness of the environment.

Help the patient to devise a way of placing limbs safely

The caregiver should help the patient to place and align limbs of the affected side at a safe position. Additionally, it is essential to remind the patient about the need to check the limbs and skin regularly. It helps to prevent the risk of decreased sensation as it may cause pressure injuries.

A caregiver should ensure that all the individuals around a patient know what kind of support they should offer to enhance faster recovery.

Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help

As a nursing student or professional you can engaged in may activities thereby finding yourself with no time to write a care plan or in much hurry to write a care plan only to make many mistakes in it. Nursing Care Plans Writing Services offers a gateway to write the best and reliable Care plans by engaging Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help. Nursing Writing Services has a team of skilled Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help Writers who have top educational qualification in nursing and medicine. Our Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help Unilateral Neglect Care Plan Writing Help allows you to have direct contact with the writer handling your paper making it easy to have the customization you need.

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