urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services

Urge urinary incontinence is an involuntary passing of urine that occurs moments after an urgent sense to void. The cause is abnormal bladder contractions after its muscles become overactive and contract with much force that overrides the urethra sphincter muscles. Urge urinary incontinence can occur after a pelvic surgery spinal cord lesions. Heavy consumption of caffeine or alcohol might also stimulate the urgency.Nursing Writing Services has the best urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services.

Urge Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Diagnosis

A care plan for urge urinary incontinence should include identification of defining characteristics that show that it is the condition present and not another type urinary incontinence. The following signs and symptoms confirm the existence:

  • Patient reports or the caregiver observes an inability to reach the toilet on time before urine loss
  • Patient complains of urine loss together with bladder spasms
  • Strong urinary urgency

Urge Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Goals and Outcomes

The caregiver should strive to achieve these outcomes for patients with urge urinary incontinence:

  • Overcome periods of incontinence
  • Maintains a consistent pattern of voiding

Urge Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Nursing Assessment

Assessment is an essential part of the care plan. It allows caregivers to determine the extent of urge urinary incontinence.

Determine the pattern of incontinence episodes: Urge incontinence occurs due to strong abrupt contraction of the bladder muscles. A patient might suddenly get a strong urge to void and cannot get to the toilet in time this thus ends up with an involuntary urination.

Take urine specimen for culture test: Bladder infection is known to cause a strong urge to void. Successful treatment and management of disease in the urinary tract reduce and improves incontinence if indeed it was the cause.

Observe and understand results of cystometry: Diagnostic testing is a method of measuring bladder's fluid volume during the filling, retention, and urination. It also measures bladder pressures.

Urge Urinary Incontinence Care Plan Interventions

Intervention is crucial parts of a care plan as they are the actions that will help the nurse to assist the patient to recover from or control urge urinary incontinence.

Help the patient to maintain a daily diary of voiding, patterns and frequency.

The information helps a nurse to identify the urination patterns. A patient might be voiding might be frequent as every 2 hours. The information allows the caregiver to make plans for an individualized treatment plan.

Promote access to the toilet facilities

Scheduling voiding allows the patient to empty the bladder frequently. Inform the patient to make frequent scheduled trips to the toilet to avoid collection of large volume and involuntary passing of urine as a result.

Develop a bladder training program for the patient

Bladder training helps to increase the bladders capacity by pelvic exercises, regulating fluid intake and scheduling voiding. A regular voiding helps to increase the capacity of fluid volume and decreases detrusor over-activity. Detrusor is a bladder muscle that relaxes to allow storage of urine in the bladder and contracts to 'press' the urine out of the bladder. Schedules voiding begins with shorter intervals and gradual increase of the time between.

Discourage the patient from extreme intake of alcohol and caffeine with reasons

Both chemicals are bladder irritants. They are known to increase detrusor overactivity.

Educate and train the patient about Kegel exercises

The purpose of Kegel exercises is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The advantage to patients with incontinence is that they the cause minimum exertion. Kegel exercises involve repetitious tightening and relaxation of pelvic muscles for ten times and repeating them four to five times, and they help many patients to regain their continence.

If the patient is taking medicine to help in strengthening the bladder and promoting continence, a caregiver should ensure adherence to prescription.

urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services

Nursing Writing Services is a top-ranked writing company well-known for its reliable urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services, we manage to write good care plans since our writers are skilled and well experienced in writing. We work with writers with masters and Ph.D. degrees in nursing to keep up high standard writing services. We have provided urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services to many nursing students globally and all we get is a thank you feedback from our customers as they are happy with our writings.

In need of urge urinary incontinence care plan writing services, order with us already, we work 24/7 and we take our customers orders with a lot of respect. We will make sure you get back your care plan paper in good time, clean free from plagiarism and grammar errors.

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