Urinary Retention Care Plan Writing Services

Urinary Retention Care Plan Writing Services is about the failure to thoroughly and efficiently empty of the bladder. Ischuria is another name for urinary retention. It might be independent or associated with urinary incontinence. Nursing Writing Services provides the best Urinary Retention Care Plan writing services

Urinary Retention Care Plan Diagnosis

The following signs and symptoms help to diagnose the weather indeed a patient indeed has urinary retention and prepare the best care plan to assist the patient in achieving the following.

  • Bladder distention
  • Inability to empty bladder completely and residual urine
  • Decreased or absence of urinary output(less than 30ml/hr) for two consecutive hours
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Urgency to urinate
  • Incontinence
  • Hesitancy

Urinary Retention Care Plan Goals and outcomes

The care plan by a nurse should help in enabling it the patients to get these life-improving outcomes.

  • Empty bladder
  • Urinate in sufficient quantity without palpable bladder distention
  • Achieves urine volume equal or more 300mL with each urination and residential volume of less than 100ml.

Urinary Retention Care Plan Nursing Assessment and Rationales

Assessment is essential to determine the likely causes of urinary retention, and managing it. A nurse should perform these critical assessments to help in identifying the right interventions.

Ascertain the frequency, quantity and the character of urine such as odor, color, and specific gravity: Urinary retention, discharge, and catheter predispose the patient to infection especially for someone with perineal sutures.

Review previous voiding patterns: There is a range of what can be regardless of normal voiding frequency. Acute retention is severe and requires medical intervention. A patient with chronic urinary retention can urinate but has trouble to begin stream or fully empty the bladder. 

Assess for vital signs of other conditions: Check for signs of hypertension, dependent edema, peripheral and changes in mentation. The intention is to help the patient in retaining the defined I&O record. Reduced fluid excretion and building up of toxic wastes could lead to a complete renal failure.

Monitor time intervals between voiding and document them: A nurse can keep an hourly record of 48 hours to establish the toileting program that provides a clear pattern of the voiding pattern. The patient can also help to keep a record of the time and amount of voiding by taking down the decreased urinary output and determine specific gravity.

Palpate and percuss the patient's suprapubic area: A nurse should examine the verbalization of pain, discomfort, fullness, and challenges in voiding. A patient can feel the distended bladder that hence they can provide information on bladder distention and fullness. When the patient feels it above symphysis pubis, it is a sign of urine retention.

Collaborate with specialists to perform the necessary tests: It is essential to make the required arrangements with specialists to monitor urine culture, sensitivity, urinalysis. These tests help to determine whether the patient has urinary tract infection as it can cause retention.

Monitor blood urea nitrogen and creatinine: This lab test differentiates between urinary retention and renal failure.

Use bladder scan or catheterize the patient and measure residual urine if there is presumption or incomplete emptying: Urine retention in the bladder increases risk of urinary tract infection and might need an intermittent catheterization program

Urinary Retention Care Plan Nursing interventions and rationales

It is essential for the nurse to determine the necessary response as part of the care plan for managing and treating urinary retention care.

Encourage the patient to take more fluids

Taking a significant amount of fluid promotes voiding. The fluid intake should be at 1500ml a day unless there is a medical reason to prevent it. Urge the patient to take cranberry juice to maintain the acidic nature of urine and prevent infection.

Have the patient in an upright portion

Placing the patient in upright position on a bed or commode on a bedpan increases the voiding success through gravity.

Encourage the patient to void at least after every 4 hours

Frequent voiding intervals help to empty bladder and reduce the risk of urinary retention.

Press the bladder down

Pressing hands down over the bladder (Credé’s maneuver method) enhances pressure and induces the sphincter to relax and allow urination.

Catheterization and measuring the residual urine it is important that caregiver catheterizes the patient in case of a presumption that the patient has incomplete emptying. If the patient has urinary tract infection, there might be a need for intermittent catheterization program.

It is essential that caregiver teaches the patient and family about signs and symptoms of bladder distention for them to seek early treatment

Additionally, the nurse should teach a patient about possible surgical treatment to treat a condition such as prostate enlargement for the men or lifting a fallen bladder for women.

Urinary Retention Care Plan Writing Services

So many of the Customer Reviews around the web have placed Nursing Writing Services as the best Urinary Retention Care Plan writing services because of the specialized attention that we give every client.

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