Health Promotion Theory Paper
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Health Promotion Theory HEALTH PROMOTION PAPER
Health Promotion Theory
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Health Promotion Theory
A theory is defined as a set of definitions, concepts, relationships, propositions or assumptions derived from a particular model or discipline. Various theories and models are used to promote health care. These theories are used in program planning to understand and explain health behavior and to help in the identification, establishment, and implementation of health interventions. Different factors need to be put into consideration when identifying a health promotion theory. These factors include the population being served, specific health problems being addressed, and the context within which a particular problem is being implemented. Health promotion theories draw from one more model or theories (Lindström, 2018). This paper seeks to explore the differences between health promotion and health education, specific health promotion theory or model, a framework of the selected theory, literature review and evidence-based of application for the theory, and nursing area where the theory can be applied.
Differences between Health Education and Health Promotion
Health education can be described as the transfer of knowledge linked to health literacy and creation of skills required for the health of an individual and the general society. For instance observing high standards of hygiene to prevent the spread of cholera. Healthcare professionals conduct workshops, plays, and discussions to educate the public on the importance of maintaining high standards of hygiene to control emergency of cholera which is a fatal disease (Troutman-Jordan & Heath, 2017).
Health promotion refers to the empowerment of individuals to emphasize their self-esteem and autonomy to establish their agenda rather than being edu