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Applying the Four Principles: Case Study

Applying the Four Principles: Case Study



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Part 1: Chart (60 points)

Based on the “Healing and Autonomy” case study, fill out all the relevant boxes below. Provide the information by means of bullet points or a well-structured paragraph in the box. Gather as much data as possible.

Medical Indications

Beneficence and Nonmaleficence

Patient Preferences


Based on the study, the medical indications are going to look at the clinical evidence that is very much needed for the sake of diagnosing the patient in the case study as well as the complexity of the medical issue that is causing the problem, which in turn determines the therapy options available. The reason is that, according to Christian world view, parents should demonstrate their love for their children which is through ensuring that they act in their best interests, as it is related with the idea of autonomy. Parents should also make certain that they do not injure their children even under circumstances, which is in accordance with the principle of non-maleficence. Christians are expected to act with justice and fairness through all of their encounters and circumstances, regardless of their religious affiliation (Ibrahim Yousif, 2017). Finally, Christians should offer one another the opportunity to express their opinions on a particular issue that is related to the ethical principle of autonomy, which would have applied in James case.

In contrast to non-beneficence, which stresses on doing no harm, beneficence will also look at the idea of behaving with the right or desired intentions in mind. Although James's medical condition was deteriorating, his parents believed that their decision was based on ensuring things are done in his best interests despite medical concerns that James's condition would worsen if left untreated (Ibrahim Yousif, 2017). They had no intention to harm him and only returned after his health did not improve on their first visit.

The issue of patient preference is going to look at the choices made by the patient or the other possible decision in which would be considered even without the presence of the decision maker (Vercler & Deshpande, 2019). The concept of autonomy stresses a person's ability to make his or her own decisions. James while in the hospital was still an underage child who is only eight years old, and as such, he is unable to exercise his autonomous rights. However, despite James's young age, the parents should have talked to him before they decided to make their decision in order to determine whether he was okay with their choice. The physician had little influence over this decision, although he or she could have at the very least taken time to discuss with the parents regarding their decision on James health.

Quality of Life

Beneficence, Nonmaleficence, Autonomy

Contextual Features

Justice and Fairness

The term "quality of life" is going to look at the patient's care in relation to the medical aspects of a patient’s life that are relevant before, during, and after the surgery. Although James's condition was much worse before treatments, his condition improved significantly based on the fact that he was disciplined in his consistent participation in dialysis. However, he requires a kidney transplant in order to adequately treat his condition. That is the reason his father held the belief that his brother should donate the kidney or that they should place their trust in God. Taking into consideration the prior experience, the parents should really seek the advice of James and heed to his point of view on the matter. It is important to remember that the last time they relied on their faith, James' condition deteriorated. As a result, they should act in his best interests and allow him to receive a kidney donation of which his brother qualified as a matching donor. After his parents brought him back from prayers, the hospital was able to significantly improve James's quality of life. Regular dialysis keeps him stable and prevents him from suffering further harm, but he still requires a kidney transplant (Boudreau, 2020). However, the inability of his parents to at the very least confer with him raises the question of whether he believes he is valuable.

Environmental characteristics define the issue of Justice, fairness, social and familial environment that has an impact on the individual’s medical decisions and how they are made. In this cases study, decisions regarding James, were impacted by James's parents' Christian faith which made them believe that he may be healed through prayer as being his parents and he was still under age it means they still  made medical decisions for him. They were also contemplating relying on their faith rather than enabling James to receive a kidney transplant which his brother was ready to donate as a matching donor; this made the care and treatment for James more difficult (Vercler & Deshpande, 2019). It is also important to remember that the issue of An ethical dilemma arose when the recommended tissue match was discovered to be that of his brother's tissue sample. As a result, the parents were willing to let anyone, including themselves, to give a kidney to James, but they refused to allow his brother to do the same for him.

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Part 2: Evaluation

Answer each of the following questions about how the four principles and four boxes approach would be applied:

  1. In 200-250 words answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how would each of the principles be specified and weighted in this case? Explain why. (45 points)

The ethical principle of beneficence refers to acts that are committed for the benefit of another person or group of people. It includes deeds of mercy and charity, as well as the responsibility to do well and refrain from doing evil. One of the most prominent examples of beneficence in the Christian faith is found in the tale of the Good Samaritan (Boudreau, 2020). It is however argued that beneficence is solely an ideal or an act of generosity, and that people are not often deficient if they fail to act in a charitable manner. 

The ethical principle of beneficence, according to the Christian worldview, is the most important one to consider in the case of James. This is due to the fact that James parents are behaving with the best interests of their son in mind, but they are ignoring the fact that the Christian worldview would compromise his health based on faith. They hold the Christian faith that their son James is going to be healed as a result of their fervent prayer efforts. In light of their religious beliefs, they would prefer to have James being prayed for above medical care in most cases (Boudreau, 2020). It is not right thus to hold them responsible for their son's deteriorating health because they behaved in good faith and took him back to the hospital as soon as they became aware that his condition was deteriorating. Based on their action, it will be wrong to hold them responsible.

  1. In 200-250 words answer the following: According to the Christian worldview, how might a Christian balance each of the four principles in this case? Explain why. (45 points)

According to expectations, people always strive to order the four principles in order of importance. This ranking, on the other hand, is heavily influenced by the perspective of the person who is conducting the evaluation. As a result, a ranking completed by a Christian may differ from a ranking completed by a Hindu. From a Christian worldview, beneficence is the most important quality. As a result of the priority of the commandment of love, every Christian is obligated to desire to do good deeds regardless of the circumstances (Boudreau, 2020). Since it is so closely associated with beneficence, the second place will go to no maleficence after it in importance. Individuals are required to refrain from harming others in accordance with this idea. When viewed through the lens of a Christian worldview, it is wrong to bring harm to others. Christians in this principle must strive to be 'healers,' rather than destroyers The third place will look at Justice in the hierarchy of priorities. Also, justice addresses concerns such as equity, fairness when it comes to the distribution of resources, and conformity with laws that are morally acceptable to the community (Boudreau, 2020). In Christian world view, the scriptures instruct people to always be fair and just in whatever they do, regardless of their religious affiliation. Their acts should be consistent with the principles of justice and fairness. The final principle is that of autonomy where Christians should offer people the opportunity to express their perspectives or ideas during the process of decision-making process. More significantly, students should be respectful of other people's points of view, even when they are in disagreement. This preserves one's autonomy.


Boudreau, R. (2020). A vision of beneficence in healthcare. General medicine and Clinical Practice, 3(1), 01-01. https://doi.org/10.31579/2639-4162/024

Ibrahim Yousif, K. (2017). Perception of ethical principles by hemodialysis nurses in Khartoum, Sudan. Nursing & Healthcare International Journal, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.23880/nhij-16000110

Vercler, C. J., & Deshpande, S. S. (2019). The surgical decision-making process: Different ethical approaches. Surgical Ethics, 193-201. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-05964-4_18

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