Representation in Congress
Representation in Congress
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Representation in Congress
Reflecting on what these patterns say about the nature of representation and why some groups tend to be underrepresented in Congress
Kira Sanbonmatsu's research reveals that gender and race have always influenced whether groups have access to official and unofficial opportunities, resources, or both (Sanbonmatsu, 2020). Changes in policy, law, society's roles, political party operations, and social movement actors and organizations have impacted women's capacity to serve in government. Consequences of conservatives' predilection for males and macho culture include underrepresentation of women in Congress. They think women are still seen as the weaker sex (Ziniel, 2020). Political institutions and actors like voters and financiers may be prejudiced against or withhold support from female candidates due to social beliefs about women's aptitude. The rhetoric of campaigns and elections fosters the impression that politics is a male-dominated field.
Why do I believe there is a trend toward greater representation of women and minorities?
A new tendency is emerging as people become more educated and less prone to see women as the "weaker sex." Not only that, but the UN has enacted a treaty outlawing all forms of discrimination. In 1979, the course of women's rights history was altered. The Convention defines gender inequality as any imbalance or limitation on the free exercise of sex that prevents or denies women, regardless of their marital status, from acknowledging, enjoying, or training in opposition to universal assertions of human rights in whatever sector they work in. Local laws and organizations have been established to combat gender discrimination in all professions as a result of the Convention's broad adoption.
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Does the underrepresentation of women and minorities in Congress have an impact on the work of congress?
Yes. There is a clear link between underrepresentation in the legislature and poor legislation. Minorities, especially women and children, are particularly at risk. They cannot unite and effectively communicate their issues unless properly represented. This expanding issue includes domestic violence against women and children. If Congress does not address abused children and women, they will have a difficult time getting legislation enacted. Prejudice persists in the workplace and access to opportunities; thus, minorities' voices must be emphasized.
strategies that we use to deal with this issue and work towards equitable representation
Equal representation may be accomplished in many ways, including civic involvement, which I value highly. You can learn more about the candidates' views on minorities and women before the election. Promoting participation and representation, two important democratic values. ensuring all voices are heard, raise social awareness, and promote equal opportunity
5. How might we as a people address this situation and strive towards equal representation?
Pro-women policies have always been a priority for women in Congress. Aiming to represent every woman, regardless of location, is a common goal for women in Congress, although their definitions of representation differ. According to many female congress women, women are more results-oriented, prioritizing performance over ego, and prioritizing policy outcomes above publicity and recognition. It is often believed that women are more empathetic and tolerant than men. Women may succeed in a male-dominated political arena by being tenacious, selecting themes wisely, and advocating for issues outside of the legislative chamber.
Ziniel, C. E. (2021). Colouring representation: staff racial employment patterns in US congressional offices. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 44(15), 2836-2856.
Sanbonmatsu, K. (2020). Women's Underrepresentation in the US Congress. Daedalus, 149(1), 40-55.