CGE Project
Type: Essay
Subject: Nursing Leadership Course
Subject area: Nursing
Education Level: Masters Program
Length: 1 pages
Referencing style: APA
Preferred English: US English
Spacing Option: Double
Title: A succinct and well-written abstract describing the CGE project
Instructions: no title page a summary of practicum project topic: non compliance of ppe among health care workers in the emergency department. reasons for non compliance and plan to change non compliance.
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CGE Project
Institutional Affiliation
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the best lines of defenses against hazardous exposures, many healthcare workers either shun or do not wear this protection clothing properly at the proper time. 89% of safety professionals stated that they did not wear safety equipment, and 29% said they had done so on several occasions, following a recent survey by Kimberly-Clark Professional.
PPE helps to prevent dangerous agents, health workers are faced with obstacles to wear PPE, such as verbal communication problems and encounters with patients and family members, the maintenance of tactile sensitivity by the glove and breathing difficulties, such as respiratory difficulty. This can influence their work and the quality of interpersonal interactions with patients and family members for healthcare staff. As manufacturers create PPE to eliminate employment constraints, healthcare agencies and healthcare workers need to increase compliance with the effective use of PPE. Healthcare employers must establish a working environment which values safety, and include the provision of EPIs that combat the risks faced in the workplace. In exchange, health professionals must assume responsibility for the correct use of EPP, and supervisors should ensure that their supervising staff also use EPP properly (Calor, and Alterman, 2017)
According to 24 percent of respondents, eye protection protocols were found to be the most demanding category of EPP. This was a disconcerting but not surprising finding that almost trios out of five staff who had an eye injury did not wear eye shield at the time of the accident or were using the wrong type of eye shield. In addition, every year, thousands of employees are blinded from eye injuries related to work which could have been avoided and the scope of the issue is obvious. As a part of pandemic readiness for the various populations and workers they represent, health facilities must establish strong and culturally competent risk communication resources. In addition, information materials on risk communication should be available in formats for disabled persons or in limited English and should also target an intended public's educational level. For the communication of the security rules of organizations, compulsory training is essential at all levels of the organization (Taylor, et al,. 2019).
Calor, I., & Alterman, R. (2017). When enforcement fails: Comparative analysis of the legal and planning responses to non-compliant development in two advanced-economy countries. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment.
Taylor, S. A., Galbraith, S. M., & Mills, R. P. (2019). Causes of non-compliance with drug regimens in glaucoma patients: a qualitative study. Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics, 18(5), 401-409.