Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Colon Cancer

Type: Coursework

Subject: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Maters Program

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Discussion: Cancer

Instructions: please choose one of the following questions for discussion. post your original discussion topic according to syllabus guidelines and respond to at least 2 of your classmates. frame your work in the context of a nursing situation if applicable. 1. discuss colon cancer. issues related to genetic predisposition, impact of epigenetics, risks, susceptibility(racial/ethnic), pathophysiology, etc. 2. read two articles that present a discussion on second-hand smoking and lung cancer. critique the two articles, describing the primary strengths and weaknesses in the arguments made in the articles. 3. look up information on "cancer clusters" in florida. what's happening and what are the potential environmental factors. is florida better or worse than some of the other states? 4. report on a cancer topic of your interest. this may be any type of cancer. please support your work with scholarly references. frame around a nursing situation. (if you have previously addressed cancer, please use a different type of cancer or choose a different question) 5. discuss impact of an epigenetic factor related to cancer (i.e. harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on humans). this article also has a list of other environmental epigenetic factors you can choose from. please see attached file 6. consider the exposome and the impact on cancer.

Focus: this is a discussion post on the topic of cancer for advanced pathophysiology course. please write the discussion post on 1 of the 6 discussion topics of cancer

Colon Cancer

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Colon cancer starts in the large intestines with polyps that develop into cancer cells. Colon cancer is among the top three types of cancers that are diagnosed among women and men (Ahmed, 2020). The disease mostly affects adults, but children there are rare cases among children. Genetic predisposition is a risk factor for colon cancer (Ahmed, 2020). That is, it is estimated that about five to ten percent of cancer cases are hereditary. The most common types of colon cancer that are influenced by the genetic composition of an individual are familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) and lynch syndrome. Epigenetic factors also play a role in colon cancer. Changes in an individual's age, disease state, or lifestyle increase the chances of suffering from colorectal cancer. For example, old individuals are at higher chances of suffering from the disease than young people. 

Old age is a risk factor for colon cancer. Besides, ethnicity or race plays a role in cases of colon cancer. Family history also influences the chances of suffering from the condition (Ahmed, 2020). For example, if your parents die of colon cancer, then you have higher chances of suffering from the disease than someone else who does not have a family background history of colon cancer. Other factors that increase the chances of suffering from colon cancer include diabetes, inactive lifestyle, alcohol, smoking, and high-fat diets. Besides, the African-Americans are more susceptible to colon cancer than other races in the United States due to their genetic composition.    

Colon cancer is associated with weight loss, rectal bleeding, stomach cramps, and general body weakness. However, it could be prevented through changes in lifestyles. For example, you could lower the risks for colon cancer by taking healthy diets and regular exercises. Also, moderation in alcohol intake could lower the chances of suffering from colorectal cancer. 


Ahmed, M. (2020). Colon cancer: A clinician’s perspective in 2019. Gastroenterology research13(1), 1. Retrieved from < https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7011914/>

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