Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Developing a Picot Question


Subject: Comparative Qualitative Research Design

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters

Length: 1 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double//\.opkl

Title: Developing a PICOT Question

Instructions: read the article "asking the clinical question: a key step in evidence-based practice (links to an external site.)." after reading the article, create your own picot question around the topic you selected that will be used for your unit 2 introduction to an evidence-based practice problem. in your discussion post, complete the following: describe your selected topic and its significance share and discuss your created picot question. responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis, and include peer reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position. please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in apa 7th edition format. ***note*** i have not chosen a topic, i am facing writers block. i do know that during the rest of the term i have to keep researching the topic because i will have to write an evidence based practice final paper on the topic i choose, and do a presentation.****

Developing a Picot Question


Institutional Affiliation




The problem

In the America, around 10% of people aged over 65 and approximately 50% of adults aged over 85 are prevalent with dementia, primarily of the Alzheimer-type. This is one of the chief causes for the admission of adults over 65 years old at the long-term care facility (LTCF) (Vaccaro, et al., 2020). Alongside aging and malnutrition, agitation, sleeping troubles, wandering and sadness the risk of developing dementia rises. More than 80 percent of dementia patients suffer from aggressive behavior. Additional psychotic activity, for example hallucinations and delusions, also occurs in around 50% of Alzheimer's patients (Mitchell, 2014).

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The PICOT Question

In elderly female patients over 65 with moderate to severe dementia (P), how does exposure to baby-doll therapy (I) compared to no baby-doll therapy exposure (C) influence their aggressive behavior (O) over a period of one-month (T).

Critical Thinking and Analysis

Dolls have been progressively being used for patients with dementia in the last decade as a therapeutic technique. Although there have been little empirical research on this subject, current evidence indicates that commitment to dolls can increase well-being (Vaccaro, et al., 2020). The research describes this as reducing problematic behaviors, encouraging participation with others and even increasing dietary health. However, there have been advocates and opponents to provide patients with dementia with dolls. Doll Therapy (DT) is a non-pharmacologic remedy for persons with dementia and is advised for the relief of psychological and behavioral dementia symptoms (BPSD). Previous literature provides guidance on how dolls should be used as a nursing support (Mitchell, 2014). he benefits of DT to reduce BPSDs, namely agitation, attack and routine, have been established by observational research. They also showed the advantages of DTS in enhancing communication between patients and caregivers, because dolls encourage discourse about maternity and caregiving concerns.


Mitchell, G. (2014). Use of doll therapy for people with dementia: an overview. Nursing older people26(4). Retrieved from:  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262024248_Use_of_doll_therapy_for_people_with_dementia_An_overview 

Vaccaro, R., Ballabio, R., Molteni, V., Ceppi, L., Ferrari, B., Cantù, M., ... & Pezzati, R. (2020). Doll therapy intervention for women with dementia living in nursing homes: a randomized single-blind controlled trial protocol. Trials21(1), 1-12. Retrieved from: https://trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13063-020-4050-8 

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