Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Introduction to Evidence Practice Problem Paper


Subject: Comparative Qualitative Research Design

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Introduction to evidence practice problem paper

Instructions: instructions in this assignment, you will select an evidence-based practice problem from an identified list of topics provided by your course faculty (this is the topic you selected and identified in your unit 1 discussion).** note: i am copying this below** after selecting a topic from the provided list, you will develop a picot question around your topic. then, you will discuss the selected topic problem and significance of the problem, as well as your search strategy in locating three research articles that align to your selected topic. for this assignment, be sure to include the following assignment criteria in your paper: 1. discuss your selected evidence-based practice problem/topic. 2. discuss the significance of the selected evidence-based practice problem. 1. support your discussion in terms of statistics and evidence-based outcomes. 3. describe your picot question created around the selected evidence-based practice problem. 1. included the individual picot components, as well as a combine picot question, in sentence format. 4. identify the three articles you selected that address the problem which is the focus of your picot question. 5. describe the search strategy you used to locate these three articles, including terms used when search, the research databases, and how you refined your search to select the three articles. 6. provide a conclusion to summarize your findings. remember to support your ideas with the articles you found. these articles should be less than five (5) years old. they should not be from the web, but from the library databases, and be sure to use a narrative format. in addition, you must follow apa 7th edition guidelines, providing a title page, reference page, and in-text citations, as well as use level headings to match the assignment criteria listed above. please use, at minimum three scholarly references, and your paper should be 300-400 words, excluding title and reference pages. please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.**i am attaching screen shots of rubric** supporting materials: gray, j. r., grove, s. k. & sutherland, s. (2017). burns and grove's the practice of nursing research: appraisal, synthesis, and generation of evidence (8th ed.) . st. louis, mo: elsevier saunders. isbn 978-0-323-[removed]-4 o chapters: 5 & 6 **i am attaching the 2 chapters on pdf format** • 1_pico_concepts_for_developing_a_purpose_statement 1_pico_concepts_for_developing_a_purpose_statement • 2_pico_elements_for_a_purpose_

Introduction to Evidence Practice Problem Paper


Institutional Affiliation




The problem

In the America, around 10% of people aged over 65 and approximately 50% of adults aged over 85 are prevalent with dementia, primarily of the Alzheimer-type. This is one of the chief causes for the admission of adults over 65 years old at the long-term care facility (LTCF) (Vaccaro, et al., 2020). Alongside aging and malnutrition, agitation, sleeping troubles, wandering and sadness the risk of developing dementia rises. More than 80 percent of dementia patients suffer from aggressive behavior. Additional psychotic activity, for example hallucinations and delusions, also occurs in around 50% of Alzheimer's patients (Soufineyestani, Khan & Sufineyestani, 2021).

The PICOT Question

In elderly female patients over 65 with moderate to severe dementia (P), how does exposure to baby-doll therapy (I) compared to no baby-doll therapy exposure (C) influence their aggressive behavior (O) over a period of one-month (T).

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Significance of the selected evidence-based practice problem

Dolls have been progressively being used for patients with dementia in the last decade as a therapeutic technique. Although there have been little empirical research on this subject, current evidence indicates that commitment to dolls can increase well-being (Vaccaro, et al., 2020). The research describes this as reducing problematic behaviors, encouraging participation with others and even increasing dietary health. However, there have been advocates and opponents to provide patients with dementia with dolls. 

Dementia is a progressively increasing neurological illness due to the ageing of the population, which increases in conjunction with the growth in life expectancy at birth in recent years. The cognitive ability and memory are progressively deteriorating. As cognitive and physical functions are deteriorating, people with dementia have to take care with time. Doll Therapy (DT) is a non-pharmacologic remedy for persons with dementia and is advised for the relief of psychological and behavioral dementia symptoms (BPSD). Previous literature provides guidance on how dolls should be used as a nursing support (Williams, 2017). The benefits of DT to reduce BPSDs, namely agitation, attack and routine, have been established by observational research. They also showed the advantages of DTS in enhancing communication between patients and caregivers, because dolls encourage discourse about maternity and caregiving concerns.

Three peer reviewed articles were used in this study to address the PICOT question. According to Soufineyestani, Khan & Sufineyestani (2021), dementia, a major cognitive disability, is marked by the memory deterioration. The emotions and behavior of an individual is affected and their quality of life and well-being may be affected. Studies reveal that in recent decades demand has risen for the use of music as a novel strategy for dementia therapy. The writers emphasize that it could be due to a random selection of music, fewer persons and a lack of a regular protocol that no music effect and no negative influence could be observed on people living with dementia. There was no clear conclusion on the benefits of music in dementia from high heterogeneity in result. Another study by Williams (2017), Agitation and violent behaviors are two of the most prominent characteristics of dementia patients. Psychotropic drugs are typically used to treat agitated behaviors in the first phase. However, serious negative effects may occur. Doll therapy is a concept that can influence distracted behavior, not pharmaceutical treatment procedure, which does not yet have a Protocol for Therapy. A 30 day intervention program on dementia in a nursing home was created and implemented. In another article by Vaccaro et al., (2020), the authors argue that Doll Therapy is a non-pharmacological procedure aimed at reducing disturbing behavior among people with dementia. Convincing outcomes for patients with dementia on the effectiveness of doll therapy are necessary. Bowlby's theoretical concept of attachment was proposed to describe the mechanism of the doll therapy, but the doll exposition was not modified.

The main search strategy used to locate articles related to the problem was searching with subject heading where the main keywords including dementia, dolls, and older adults were used. In addition, search engines like Cinahl, Ncbi, Google scholar, Cochrane Library, Sage, and Medline among other search engines were utilized based on their credibility.

In conclusion, doll therapy can enhance the welfare of some dementia patients. As its usage in health care continues to rise, it remains a therapy that health experts do not understand. However, when it comes to doll treatment, healthcare workers who care for dementias find themselves in a tough position (Alander, Prescott & James, 2015). Ethical perspectives foster commitment and disconnection with dolls. Practitioners should make a dementia person central to their decision by inquiring whether people with dementia are treated with doll therapy.


Soufineyestani, M., Khan, A., & Sufineyestani, M. (2021). Impacts of music intervention on Dementia: A review using meta-narrative method and agenda for future research. Neurology international13(1), 1-17.

Williams, N. N. (2017). Effects of Doll Therapy on Dementia Resident's Negative Behaviors (Doctoral dissertation, Brandman University).

Vaccaro, R., Ballabio, R., Molteni, V., Ceppi, L., Ferrari, B., Cantù, M., ... & Pezzati, R. (2020). Doll therapy intervention for women with dementia living in nursing homes: a randomized single-blind controlled trial protocol. Trials21(1), 1-12. Retrieved from: https://trialsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13063-020-4050-8 

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