Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Discussion Board 1 & 2

Type: Discussion Board

Subject: Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Doctor of Nursing Practice

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Discussion Board 1 & 2

Instructions: discussion board 1 post a brief description of 4–5 major competencies required for the advanced nursing practice role that you selected - the advanced nursing practice role that i selected is nurse practitioner. explain how the project management concepts you have examined thus far in the course might align with this advanced nursing practice role and why. be specific. based on the steps and processes used by rew et al. (2020) and the resources on techniques and tools for nursing research, how might you use these same concepts and a similar approach for completing your dnp doctoral project or dissertation? i have attached the journal article. explain which processes and techniques you believe will provide the most guidance to assist you plan and develop your dnp doctoral project or dissertation. be specific and provide examples. then, describe how the project management strategies you will learn as a nurse leader may be applied to facilitate nursing research or nursing practice for your dnp doctoral project or dissertation. discussion 2 the two terms i selected: usability sustainability post and define the two terms you selected. explain why it may be important to understand how these terms function for the application of information technology and nursing practice. how might these terms impact your nursing practice? be specific. then, explain the potential impacts of non-functionality that may arise in your nursing practice if barriers exist for the proper application of these terms.

Discussion Board 1 & 2


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Core Competency for Advanced Nursing Practice; Nurse Practitioner Role

Core competencies are abilities that are required for the fulfilment of nurse practitioner (NP). Core competences are therefore the foundation for nursing education curriculum and thus contribute to professionalism within patient care. the major core competencies for any nurse practitioner include; leadership, communication, ethics, technology and information literacy and health promotion and health delivery systems (Heinen et al., 2019). Nurse practitioners by virtue of their role are leaders because they need to coordinate junior staff for the general improvement of the quality of life. Additionally, leadership is greatly associated with communication, ethics and health promotion. Nurse practitioners must develop a communication strategy which suits the environment for health promotion in an ethical manner. 

Management Concepts on Nurse Practitioner Role

Health facilities are like all other organizations that need management for their collective growth. For a project to be established, a manager needs to identify requirements, establish clear and achievable objectives, balance demands and quality, scope, cost and time and plan to meet expectations according to both short- and long-term objectives. Nurse practitioners are both managers and leader hence must use specific strategies from project management concepts to run health facilities (Jugdev et al., 2020). For instance, delivering frontline primary and acute care in communities and other settings is project management. Why? Because within such settings, they perform services such as diagnosis, treatment, physical examination, educating among other roles that must be planned considering the scope, cost and time. 

Rew et al., on their paper, “Application of Project Management Tools and Techniques to Support Nursing Intervention Research” outlines steps of project management that can be applied to nursing. They come up with procedures which when followed can improve efficiency, they include; conceptual phase, design and planning, empirical data collection, analysis and dissemination (Rew et al., 2020). Nurse practitioners can come up with a project, develop a conceptual framework, design and plan, collect data, analyse the data and publish results which is aimed at improving the quality of health care. Rew’s project management tools can greatly impact health education especially on doctoral project and dissertations because of the research procedure highlighted (Rew et al., 2020). These health educational project and dissertations are designed such that they improve specific aspect within practice. 

Conceptual framework identifies a certain problem, review literature associated with it and propose a specific research design which can answer specific questions or test the hypothesis (Rew et al., 2020). Design and planning are important in making designs that may influence external and internal validity of the study (Rew et al., 2020). Empiricism is a scientific method of collecting visible data, such as, in this case research questions from participants. This is the collection of reviews and data from the population which then can be prepared for analysis (Rew et al., 2020). Analysis is basically interpreting data using statistical analysis tool to rationally review the conceptual framework. This is also the stage for interpretation of the data changing them into findings or results. Finally, the dissemination stage is presenting the study to organizations and other researchers for reviews, criticism and accolades (Rew et al., 2020). The first three phases are critical, they also provide the most guidance in developing for doctoral and dissertations. 

Although all the stages are important, the first three are critical; conceptual framework, design and planning and the empirical phase. These three stages provide the basic argument, the mantle of the study including the hypothesis and the questions. As a nurse leader, project management strategies such as ethics, leadership and communication are critically applicable in nursing research (data collection and analysis) which are important stages in any academic project or dissertation.

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Assignment Two

Usability is the practical application of either strategies or tools in a certain intervention. In the medical field, usability is the applications that are used within nursing practice. For instance, leadership and communication models can be used as strategies to achieve a certain purpose. In that regard, they can be usable and applied in other organizations too for the same results. While they can be used, they are also universal from one facility to the other. Sustainability is the process of lengthening or extending duration or space of some intervention. For instance, the major models and project strategies are sustainable because they cannot be used universal but for a long time without any problems. These two terms have been used synonymously but they serve different critical uses. 

Usability and sustainability are two important aspects that any nurse leader must consider before engaging in any project or processes. It is therefore important to understand these terms because they serve important roles in decision making of any project manager or nurse leader. Information technology is very dynamic, very important and has since eased medical processes and other bureaucracies. Before indulging on ant technology within practice, any nurse leader must ask these questions; is it sustainable? Is it usable? Sustainability of various applications within information technology and nursing practice is both sustainable and usable. Because first, they are durable and second, universal.  Universality of appliances of information technology are embedded on both sustainability and usability. 

How can usability and sustainability impact nursing practice? While nursing practice is dynamic, it must have some consistence especially in care, universality and even quality of care rendered. That in return is the reflection of the sustainability and usability of the various strategies within nursing practice. Potential impacts of non-functionality that may arise within nursing practitioner role include; greater utilization of nurses in advance practice, reduced practice in some cases and insufficient support from stakeholders. 


Heinen, M., van Oostveen, C., Peters, J., Vermeulen, H., & Huis, A. (2019). An integrative review of leadership competencies and attributes in advanced nursing practice. Journal of advanced nursing75(11), 2378-2392. 

Jugdev, K., Mathur, G., & Fung, T. (2020). Mediated effect of project management asset characteristics on firm performance. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business13(7), 1442-1464. 

Rew, L., Cauvin, S., Cengiz, A., Pretorius, K., & Johnson, K. (2020). Application of project management tools and techniques to support nursing intervention research. Nursing Outlook, 68(4), 396-405.

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