Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Discussion on Private Nursing Practice

Nurse Practitioners at the primary care setting with their teammates like MA, receptionist, physician. Give details on that and their day. How it can be better. read below . 


Write a 100- to 400-word blog post that identifies the team at your clinical setting. Discuss how power is manifested in the team. Is the team working well together? If not, what can you contribute to the improvement of the team? Finally, consider how the clinic team works with other community-based resources and comments.

Independent nursing practice usually refer to actions that are  taken by a u nurse and will not require any direction or orders from the physician or the doctor, or actions that the nurse will take without a written order on what is needed. One of the most common independent nursing practices include teaching or encouraging a patient regarding various aspects that they will in in care or recovery, or teaching various forms of therapy.  In some cases, independent nursing practice can go as far as making minor diagnosis or administering medication (LaRusso, 2016). Also when the patient is in labour, the nurse may continue with the procedure of delivery without the presence of the doctor; all these forms parts of where the nurse will work independently. 

One of the major advantage of independent nursing practice is the kind of innovation that comes with the practice where these nurses are emerging as new professionals in different healthcare settings and the community health management.  In this way the nurse is not only limited to working in a hospital setting or a community healthcare center but can work as a consultant  medical practitioner for private firms, clients among other forms (Brown, 2017).  The role of the nursing practice has thus changed from the traditional professional registered nursing role to realizing other capabilities that the nursing profession can provide.  The major disadvantage of independent nursing practice usually lays with liability.  In most cases a nurse that works in a medical center or hospital, will often be protected from liability in the event that there is a cases of negligence or that the nurse had done some sort of medical errors during practice (Brown, 2017). However, for an independent nursing practice, the liability in wholly laid on the nurse and this could risk her losing the license. 

In conclusion independent nursing practice is a good thing as it encourages growth and allows the nurse to improve self-esteem for the abilities that they are allowed to discover about themselves.


Brown, D. (2017). Planning the future of general practice nursing. Practice Nursing, 28(4), 145-145. doi:10.12968/pnur.2017.28.4.145

LaRusso, L. (2016). Independent Midwifery Practice. Nursing for Women's Health, 20(3), 245. doi:10.1016/j.nwh.2016.04.021


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