Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NUR810 DE, Clinical Scholarship & Inquiry in Nursing


School of Nursing

Graduate Nursing Program

NUR810 Course Syllabus 

Spring 2025

COURSE: NUR810 DE, Clinical Scholarship & Inquiry in Nursing (2 credits)


This course focuses on improvement methods used to identify organizational systems' process problems affecting practice (direct and indirect care). Building on prior knowledge of evidence-based practice, students learn how to critically appraise scientific evidence, evaluate additional relevant information, and consider cost implications to create sustainable innovations intended to improve systems.

Offered: Spring semester, online

CLASS SCHEDULE: Online, asynchronous 

The online course begins on Tuesday January 21, 2025, and runs through Friday, May 9, 2025. 

Notice of school closing due to inclement weather conditions: (203) 582-8989.  


Cynthia Barrere PhD, RN, CNS, AHN-BC, FAAN Carolyn Bradley, DNP, MSN, RN, CCRN

Professor of Nursing Associate Professor of Nursing                                                                                                     Office Location: MNH-470H                         Office Location: MNH-470L

Work Phone: (203) 582-8406 Work Phone (203) 582-7975

Cory Ann Boyd, EdD, RN   Pina Violano PhD, MSPH, RN, PMGT-BC, CCRN

Associate Professor of Nursing   Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Office Location: MNH-465C   Office Location: MNH 492

Work Phone: (203) 582-8542   Work Phone: (203) 582-7809  

Nicole Casbarro DNP, FNP

Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing

Office Location: MNH-470G

Work Phone: (203) 582-7567


Students may contact the faculty via email or phone. The faculty are available Mon-Fri 8a to 4p. Emails will be responded to within 24 hours M-Th. Emails received on Fri/Sat/Sun will be responded to on Mon. If this time frame has passed, we welcome a gentle reminder email.  


Rachel Lerner MSLS, AHIP

Nursing Librarian

Office Location: Netter Library, North Haven Campus

Please Note: Reference interactions may be virtual 

Work Phone: (203) 582-8549 to schedule a virtual appointment

Zoom Chat (if available, Rachel will answer)


Jaime Flores MA

Academic Specialist

Office Location: SLE 340C North Haven Campus

Work Phone: (203) 582-5291

Make an Appointment: https://qu.elluciancrmadvise.com/StudentSelfService/

Virtual Office: https://quinnipiac.zoom.us/my/jaime.flores

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MSN Nursing Paper Writing Service


The graduate nursing DNP curriculum is consistent with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. The Essentials’ Domains and Concepts consistent with this nursing course are identified with the appropriate course outcome.  The graduate nursing curriculum is also consistent with the graduate Program Outcomes (PO). The program outcomes consistent with this course are identified with the appropriate course outcome. The School of Nursing is a Holistic Endorsed School and integrates the Holistic Core Values into this course. Please see the Curriculum Standards in Blackboard for a description of The Essentials (AACN), the Program Outcomes (PO), and Holistic Core Values (HCV). The Standards consistent with this nursing course are identified with the appropriate course outcome.  

Course Objectives

By completion of this course, students should be able to:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: 

  1. Describe theories, concepts, and mechanisms for improving quality and value in direct and indirect healthcare practice. [AACN Domains1 (1.1e, 1.1f, 1.2f, 1.2g,1.2h, 1.2j, 1.3d), 2 (2.2h, 2.6g), 4 (4.1h, 4.1i, 4.1j), 7 (7.11 f, 7.2, 8 (8.2h), 9 (9.4h, 9.6i), 10 (10.1d, 10.2g10.2h, 10.2i), Concepts 1, 5; PO 2; HCV 1] 
  2. Explore organizational strategies to design assessments and approaches that promote improvement of healthcare systems and processes aimed at improving health outcomes. [AACN Domains 1(1.3d, 1.3e, 1.3f), 2 (2.2h, 2.3h, 2.4f, 2.4g, 2.5i, 2.5j), 4 (4,1m), 6 (6.1j, 6.2h, 6.2g, 6.2i, 6.2j, 6.3d 6.4e, 6.4g) 8 (8.4) 9 (9.1k, 9.2h, 9.2i, 9.2j, 9.2k, 9.2l, 9.5f. 9.5g) Concepts 2, 3, 4, 6, 8; PO 2; HCV 5] 
  3. Select appropriate measurement tools to evaluate the effectiveness of quality improvement strategies. (AACN Domains 1 (1.f, 2 (2. 4g, 2.5i, 2.5j, 2.6i, 2.7f), 4 (4.1j, 4.2g, 4.2h, 4.2f), 5 (5.2h), 8 (8.1g, 8.1j, 8.1k, 8.2h, 8.2i, 8.2j), 8 (8.5l), 9 (9.1h, 9.3i, 9.3j), Concept 6; PO 2; HCV 5]  
  4. In collaboration with an identified preceptor/mentor, conduct a clinical practice site assessment of a direct or indirect healthcare setting (health/wellness clinic, ambulatory clinic, office, hospital, operating/anesthesia department, rehabilitation facility, extended care facility, home care/hospice, academic, or administrative settings) aimed at identifying a quality improvement need for an improvement opportunity. [AACN Domains 2 (2.5h, 2,5k, 2.6f, 2.6j, 2.7d, 2.7e, 2.7f, 2.9g, 2.9h, 2.9j), 3 ( 3.1j, 3.1k, 3.2d,3.3d), 4 (4,1h, 4.1i, 4.1k, 4.1k, 4.1m, 4.2h, 4.2j, 4.2k) 5 (5.2h, 5.2i, 5.3g ), 6 (6.1g. 6.2g, 6.2g . 6.2j, 6.3d), 7 (7.1f, 7.1g, 7.1u, 7.3) 8 (8.21, 8.53) 9 (9.1h,9.1i 9.1j, 9.2k, 9.3m, 9.6d, 9.6g), 10 (10.2j, 10.3o,10.3k, 10.3p), Concepts 2, 3, 4, 8; PO 2, 3, 6, 9, 10; HCV 4, 5]
  5. Critique a health system’s effectiveness to improve value. [AACN Domains 2 (2.2g, 2.2h, 2.6e, 2.7f), 3 (3.1j, 3.1k, 3.2d, 3.3d), 4 (4.2j, 4.2k), 9 (9.3k, 9.3l, 9.4e), 10.3j, 10.3l, 10.3p, 10.3q), Concepts 4, 6, 8;  PO 2; HCV 5]


Faculty live sessions and recordings

Textbooks and other readings


Learning activities

Peer collaboration and feedback

Clinical Practice Hours: Experiential learning/site assessment skills & concept application 

Interdisciplinary collaboration

Clinical Site Preceptor/Mentor support

Written assignments (examples: beginning chapter 1 of DNP Project manuscript)  


DNP Project Chair guidance on DNP project

Revisions of scholarly work based on faculty feedback 


Graded Learning Activities (Assignments)

Grading Percent

#1 Meaningful Quality Measures


#2 Fishbone Cause & Effect Diagram


#3 Process Flow Diagram


#4 SMART Aim Statements


#5 Appropriate Balanced Measures of Value


Pass/Fail or Complete/Incomplete

Achieved/Not Achieved

Course Information Module


Signed student-preceptor/mentor responsibilities form


Completion of online Basic CITI Training (4 hours)


Clinical Practice Hours (20) completed, submitted with explanation of hours, approved by preceptor and faculty in Exxat Prism 


End of semester student evaluation in Exxat Prism (self-eval and preceptor eval)


Submit Draft of Chapter 1: Local Problem


End of semester preceptor evaluation in Exxat Prism


NOTE: Late Assignments: Assignments that are submitted late will receive a penalty of minus 10 points per day. After 3 days, the grade reverts to a “zero (0).” Students are responsible for notifying their assigned faculty in advance if an extenuating situation arises that affects their ability to submit an assignment on time.

Course Grade: 

Guidelines for course completion, continuation, or failure include:

  • Pass/Fail assignment requires a Pass to successfully complete this course. 
  • Complete/Incomplete assignment requires a Complete to successfully complete this course.
  • Successful completion of all required work of the course (B- or higher, and a Pass for the 20 hours of clinical practice requirements, within the dates of the semester will earn a letter grade for the course.  
  • Failure to follow clinical practice hour guidelines and instructions will result in a grade of “F”.
  • Completion of clinical practice hours according to the course guidelines that are documented, approved, and signed by the site mentor/preceptor and course faculty in Exxat Prism, are part of the required work of the course. 

A withdrawal from this pre-requisite DNP Project course will delay progression into NUR810PBL to the next time the course is offered.  This may require the student to start their project again with NUR 810PBL and identification of a new quality gap. Students in this situation are required to meet with the Director of Online Graduate Programs before course registration for further direction.

Graduate Progression Policy: The minimum passing grade in nursing courses is a B minus (B-). A student who earns less than the minimum passing grade in one nursing course, but who has a semester GPA of at least 3.0, will be required to retake the course when it is offered again at Quinnipiac University. The student may not proceed into courses for which the deficient course is a prerequisite. Thus, the student will be placed in another student cohort and the student’s program completion date will be delayed.  Please refer to the Graduate Nursing Student Handbook and Policy Manual for more detail regarding student policies.


Faculty may record class meetings and sessions. Individual student recording of classes or meetings is prohibited unless outlined in a student's learning accommodations. This includes photographs, screen capture, or other copying or sharing methods of all video (pre-recorded or live) or Zoom Chat exchanges during classes or meetings. Circulating such recordings via the internet, email, and social media is also prohibited. All students' privacy, and instructor copyright, must be appropriately protected in the online learning environment. Instructors and staff may not grant individual student requests to record class sessions or meetings. It violates the Academic Integrity Policy to make unauthorized recordings without approved accommodations from the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA), and doing so may result in sanctions against the student. 


There is a “camera on” approach in this course. All synchronous classes and the DNP Defense will take place via Zoom video conferencing. When attending class meetings and sessions, the student's camera must be turned on and microphones muted unless speaking to the class.  Students will attend using a computer (not a phone).  The background should not have anything disruptive/distracting while the student is on camera. This includes, but is not limited to driving, or riding in a vehicle, riding a bike, exercising, or any activity that would take your attention away from the class. Feel free to set settings for a virtual background if preferred.  Students should be dressed professionally, sitting up or standing, and paying attention and engaged throughout. If a student must leave, please leave the zoom session and sign back into the meeting as soon as able.  The faculty reserve the right to remove the student from the classroom zoom meeting if the student does not meet professional expectations.   


Netiquette Policy – In any online communication, students will communicate academically and respectfully. Students will refrain from using inappropriate language and disrespectful tones when communicating with other students and the professor. Students will observe common rules of grammar and punctuation, communicate in a clear and succinct manner, and maintain the level of academic integrity expected in a traditional face-to-face course.  The Core Rules of Netiquette


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only used with faculty permission per the syllabus guidelines. AI is not permitted in this doctoral course, or for any assignments requiring clinical judgment, critical thinking, diagnostic reasoning, reflection, or discussion posts. Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of developing clinical judgment and of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student, without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools. Developing strong competencies in these areas will prepare you for a competitive workplace. The use of an AI Generator such as ChatGPT, iA Writer, MidJourney, DALL-E, etc. is explicitly prohibited unless otherwise noted by course faculty and will be treated as plagiarism. Additionally, the information derived from these tools is based on previously published materials and using these tools without proper citation constitutes plagiarism. Academic honesty is required in all work you submit to be graded. If used for another reason with faculty approval only, the proper APA 7th edition citation is required stating that AI was used for purpose.


Quinnipiac University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is committed to creating a learning environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning in this course, please discuss your concerns with me to devise a plan. If you have a disability or think you may have a disability, you should meet with the Office of Student Accessibility to begin this conversation or request reasonable accommodations. Please get in touch with the Office of Student Accessibility. They may also be reached at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 203-582-7600

If you have already been approved for accommodations through the Office of Student Accessibility, please share this information with your course faculty at the beginning of the semester. It is your responsibility to request accommodations and follow all policies established by the Learning Commons.

Should you find yourself falling behind, please reach out immediately to your faculty. We want to provide you with any/all resources that might be helpful in ensuring your success in the course. It is easier for us to address your needs if we know about them as soon as they arise.  


The University Academic Integrity Policy is on the university web site and in the University Student Handbook. The School of Nursing adheres strictly to this policy. The Academic Integrity Policy can be viewed in detail at: MyQ > Academics > Academic Integrity > Academic Integrity Policy.


Course Information Module Content: 

  • Guidelines for Graduate Education 

Holistic Core Values 

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

  • University Policy and Student Support

QU Statement on Inclusive Values

QU Policy on Academic Integrity

Academic and Student Support Services

  • Quinnipiac Technology Support

Technology Help Request

Blackboard Guides and Resources

Technology Center

  • Library Orientation and APA Guidelines

Edward and Barbara Netter Library Website

Nursing Resource Guide

Style and Grammar Guidelines from APA

Netter Library APA Citation Help Guide

Netter Library Frequently Asked Questions

  • Next Steps

Review Course Material

Navigate the Course Interface

Check for Announcements

Participate in Introductions

Utilize Communication Tools

Review Technical Requirements

Review and Seek Help


American Psychological Association Style (APA Style), 7th Edition is required for all citations used in written nursing assignments.  Students must cite all facts, thoughts, and ideas, which are not original. For information on APA resources see BB > Course Information Module> Library Orientation and APA Guidelines or see the QU library website at MyQ > IT & Libraries> Library- Edward and Barbara Netter > Research Guides> APA Citation Help.  Plagiarism is a violation of the QU academic integrity policy.  

Students are responsible for attending to additional course documents posted in Blackboard.  These postings are considered part of the course syllabus.  Faculty will direct students to the BB menu and folder locations.


Faculty reserve the right to revise the syllabus and/or assignment guidelines at any point during the semester when deemed necessary. Students will be informed of any changes to syllabus via BB, email and during class. Revised syllabus will be posted on BB. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with any such modifications and be aware of current policies, deadlines, etc. 


Faculty may wish to use student assignments for exemplars as an aid for future students or for accreditation purposes. Faculty may also wish to analyze student assignments, papers, or other learning activities for the purposes of informing faculty evaluation, curricular revision, innovation, and/or future course planning. Your confidentiality will be preserved.  If you have any concerns, or do not wish that your work would be used for these purposes, please speak to the course faculty.

MODULES AND DUE DATES:                                                                                                                         Modules length varies as noted in the course schedule. Each module begins on Monday and ends on Sunday at 11:59pm. Due dates for all module assignments are specified on the topical outline and Blackboard. 


Bradshaw, M., Vitale, T. R. (2025). The DNP Project Workbook: A Step-By-Step Process for Success.. (2nd ed.) Springer Publishing.

Ogrinc, G.S., Headrick, L.A., Barton, A.J., Dolansky, M.A., Madigosky, W.S., Miltner, R.S & Hall, A. G.  (2022). Fundamentals of Health Care Improvement: A Guide to Improving Your Patients’ Care. (4th ed.) Joint Commission Resources and Institute for Healthcare Improvement. 


Dossey, B. M. & Keegan, L. (2022). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice. (8th ed.) Helming, M. A., Shields, D. A., Avino, K. M., & Rosa, W. E. (Eds.) Jones & Bartlett Learning. The Netter Library has the 2022 version available online for 1 concurrent user: 



APA information is found on the Netter Library site.

Topical Outline 




(all due “no later than” by 11:59 pm)

Please refer to Blackboard for detailed assignment instructions.

Module 1: 

1/21 – 2/2/25

Introduction to Process Improvement: Healing Systems

Clinical Practice Site Approval

Quality Improvement vs Research

Comparing the DNP and PHD

The Evidence-Based Improvement DNP Project

Overview of IHI Improvement Model (PDSA)

Aggregate Data

Quality Measures

*Add/drop registration period ends on Monday 1/27/25.

Attend course session: 

  • Course Introduction 
  • Process Improvement: Healing Systems
  • Scheduled by course section faculty during week 1 or 2 (or review recorded session posted to BB)


  • Read: Orgnic et al. chap. 1
  • Review: Bradshaw & Vitale 1.1-1.7, 2.3-2.6, 2.9-2.10
  • Complete Course Information Module by 1/26 
  • Complete Online CITI Training by 2/2/26 (Required for access to clinical practice site)


  • Student-Mentor/Preceptor Responsibilities Form by 2/2

Assignment #1 Quality Measures

Due Sunday 2/2 by 11:59pm

Module 2:

2/3 – 2/16/25

The Setting and Opportunity for Improvement

Assessing Site Culture

Macro/Meso/Micro Systems/5P’s

Forming a Team

Engaging Stakeholders


Process Flow

Other QI Assessment Tools & Strategies

Identifying Problems and Project Topics

SMART Aim (Global Aim; SMART Aim)

Attend two class sessions (all sections together) 

  • Class Date TBD 
  • Class Date TBD

(live attendance optional or review recording on BB).


  • Read Ogrinc et al. chaps 3, 4
  • Read Bradshaw & Vitale 3.2-3.8 

Assignment #2 Fishbone 

      Due Sunday 2/16 by 11:59pm

Assignment #3 Process Flow

     Due Sunday 2/16 by 11:59pm

Assignment #4 SMART Aim 

      Due Sunday 3/2 by 11:59pm

Module 3: 

2/17 – 3/2/25


Clinical Practice DNP Site Assessment Begins

20 hours Clinical Practice

Initial Site Assessment (Application):

   Culture of Setting

   Social Determinants of Health 

   Macro-meso-micro components

   Balanced Measures - A Values Framework

   Analyze the Aggregate Data 

   Identify of Quality Gap

   Engage appropriate Stakeholders

   Form Initial QI Team


Attend class session (all sections together)

  • Class Date TBD (live attendance optional or review recording on BB).


  • Read: Ogrinc et al. chap 5
  • Read: Bradshaw & Vitalie 6.2, 6.4, 6.5

Schedule and attend student, mentor/preceptor, faculty meeting 

  • Follow instructions from course faculty. 

Assignment #5 Balanced Measures of Value 

Due Sunday 3/23 by 11:59pm

Happy Spring Break! (please take a break😊)

Module 3 (continues)

3/17- 3/23/25

3/24 – 4/6/25

4/7 – 4/20/25

DNP Practice Site Assessment (Continues)

   Develop Fishbone Diagram with Team Input

   Facilitate Team identification of one or two 

   cause(s) of Quality Gap/Problem for Project


   Design Process Flow Diagram

   Write SMART AIM statement(s)

*Last day to withdraw from course with a grade of “W” is Friday, March 28th.

*QU is closed on Friday, April 18th

Attend mid-semester class section meeting scheduled by faculty  

  • (Optional) Opportunity to share, reflect, and receive support in a safe environment. 

Write Draft of Chapter 1: Local Problem (Reminder: connect with writing consultants as needed) 

Chapter 1: Local Problem first draft submitted by Monday 4/7 by 11:59pm

Module 4:

4/21– 5/4/25

Preview of Selected Topics in Fall 2025

Making Changes in a System or Process:

     Change Theories

     How an improvement model (PDSA) fits in

Recommending an EBP Process Intervention

Importance of a Cost-Benefit Analysis

Planning for Sustainability


  • Review Ogrinc et al. chp 7
  • Review Bradshaw & Vitale 7.4

Assignment #6 Strategies for Building Commitment for Change – A Reflective Activity

Due Wednesday 5/7 by 11:59 pm

Final Exam Week


University Final Exam Week

Complete all course requirements.

Clinical Practice Assignments Due Thursday 5/8 by 11:59pm

*20 clinical practice hours submitted and approved by site preceptor/ mentor in Exxat Prism

*End of semester student evaluation in Exxat Prism (self-eval and preceptor eval)

*End of semester preceptor evaluation in Exxat Prism

Reminder: Write Draft of Chapter 1: Local Problem

First draft submitted by Sunday 4/7 by 11:59pm


Assignment #1: Quality Measures, Aggregate Data

Purpose: Identify and describe meaningful process and outcome quality measures using aggregate data.

Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: Select two meaningful quality measures of interest related to a quality gap (opportunity for improvement). Describe how each measure might be used in a quality improvement project (may be a quality project you are familiar with on your unit, clinic or other direct or indirect healthcare site). Explain if the measure is a process measure or outcomes measure in your improvement project example. What are the strengths and/or weaknesses of using this metric to support the quality gap of interest. What additional information would help the team to learn more about performance in this area?

Due date/time: 2/2 by Sunday 11:59 pm.

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

Assignment #2: Fishbone Diagram

Purpose: Identify the causes leading to an identified quality gap (opportunity for improvement in a complex clinical care process and illustrate the causes and gap in a fishbone diagram.

Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: Read the case study provided that describes a complex clinical care process. Draw a fishbone (cause-and-effect) diagram that includes the following: head of the fish is a statement of the problem or quality gap, the categories selected for the spines are appropriate to the case study, spines of the fishbone include a wide range of potential contributors to the problem, each contributor or cause is clearly labeled, each contributor or cause is listed in the correct branch of the diagram, there are no major omissions or errors.

Due date/time: 2/16 by Sunday 11:59 pm.

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

Assignment #3: Process Flow Diagram

Purpose: Draw a process flowchart that displays the quality gap(s) in a complex clinical care process.  

Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: Based on the case study and fishbone diagram in assignment #2 draw a process flow chart that displays the quality gap(s) in the complex clinical care process. Be sure to include: start and end of process are clearly labeled, correct shapes are used for each step (diamond, oval, rectangle), decision points are clearly labeled with yes/no, there are no "dead ends" in the flowchart, steps are clearly labeled, flow is organized and logical, all key steps in the process are included. Due date/time: 2/16 by Sunday 11:59 pm.

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

Assignment 4: Writing SMART Aim Statements 

Purpose: Write strong well-written SMART Aim Statements

Relevant Course Outcomes: 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: Based on brief scenarios, write or revise the respective SMART Aim. Provide a rationale for what makes each Aim strong and well-written. 

Due: 3/2 by Sunday 11:59 pm

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

Assignment 5: Appropriate Balanced Measures of Value

Purpose: Facilitate QI team brainstorming to identify process, outcomes, and balanced measures for use in their DNP Project site assessment using the value framework.

Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: Use your DNP Project process gap and, with your team, create a set of possible measures related to clinical, cost, social determinants of health (see table included). 1) Use the value framework described in Ogrinc et al. textbook to think broadly). Consider many perspectives (patients, families, clinicians) when creating measures. Write the possible measures in the right column of the table provided. 2) Take the measures from your table and write an operational definition for one measure in each row (examples: a lab test, chart review), and who is responsible for obtaining the data (examples: office staff, insurance data, QI department). Due: 3/23 by Sunday 11:59 pm

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

Assignment #6 Strategies for Building Commitment for Change – A Reflective Activity

Purpose: Identify promoters and potential barriers to change and strategies to promote commitment to the change process.

Relevant Course Outcomes: 3, 4, 5

Assignment Guidelines: To be posted on Blackboard

Method of Assessment: Rubric posted on Blackboard

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