Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NUR 515, Communications and Conflict Management

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 


School of Nursing 

Graduate Nursing Program 

Course Syllabus 

Spring 2025 

COURSE: NUR 515, Communications and Conflict Management (3 credits) 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course provides an introduction to communication and conflict management  skills and systems necessary for effective health care delivery and managing or advising health care institutions.  Students examine communication, negotiation, decision-making, challenging conversations and behavior,  effective feedback and conflict system design. Online, spring semester, open to graduate nursing and law  students. 

Offered: Spring semester, online 

CLASS SCHEDULE: Online, asynchronous  

The online course begins on Tuesday January 21, 2025, and runs through Friday, May 9, 2025. Notice of school closing due to inclement weather conditions: (203) 582-8989.  


Katarzyna Lessard, JD, APRN 

Part-Time Faculty, Nursing  

Office (virtual) hours – by appointment  

Phone: 203-582-7238 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

CONTACTING FACULTY: As your instructor for this course, I am committed to making myself available to  you to help you succeed. My preferred method of communication is email, but I am happy to speak over the  phone or in a virtual meeting room (Zoom). If you would like to set up a virtual meeting with me, please  contact me by email and we will find a time that works for both of us. You should receive a response to your e mail within 2 business days (8:30 am – 4:30 pm, excluding weekends, holidays, school breaks). If this time  frame has passed, I welcome a gentle reminder email.  


Rachel Lerner MSLS, AHIP 

Nursing Librarian 

Office Location: Netter Library, North Haven Campus 

Please Note: Reference interactions may be virtual  

Work Phone: (203) 582-8549 to schedule a virtual appointment 

Zoom Chat (if available, Rachel will answer) 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to schedule a virtual appointment or ask a question.

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 


Jaime Flores MA 

Academic Specialist 

Office Location: SLE 340C North Haven Campus 

Work Phone: (203) 582-5291 

Make an Appointment: https://qu.elluciancrmadvise.com/StudentSelfService/ 

Virtual Office: https://quinnipiac.zoom.us/my/jaime.flores 

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


The graduate nursing DNP curriculum is consistent with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing  (AACN)The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. The Essentials’ Domains and  Concepts are consistent with this nursing course and are identified with the appropriate course outcome. The  graduate nursing curriculum is also consistent with the graduate Program Outcomes (PO). The program  outcomes consistent with this course are identified with the appropriate course outcome. The School of Nursing  is a Holistic Endorsed School and integrates the Holistic Core Values into this course. Please see the  Curriculum Standards in in Blackboard for a description of The Essentials (AACN), the Program Outcomes (PO), and Holistic Core Values (HCV). The Standards consistent with this nursing course are identified with the  appropriate course outcome.  

Course Objectives 

By completion of this course, students should be able to: 

1. Describe causes of conflict and negotiation styles. (AACN Domain 2,6 Concept 2, PO I, HCV 3) 2. Explain the principles of interest-based negotiation. (AACN Domain 2,6 Concept 2, PO 1, HCV 1,3) 3. Analyze different decision-making models and dynamics within and between teams and propose appropriate  

models for structuring meetings and making decisions. (AACN Domain 2,6, Concept 1,2, PO6, HCV 3,4) 4. Identify the elements of a difficult conversation. (AACN Domain 2,6, Concept 2, 3, PO I, HCV 1,3) 5. Propose a plan for dealing with challenging behavior. (AACN Domain 2,6, Concept 2, 3, PO6, HCV 2,3) 6. Analyze the components of effective feedback as both a recipient and a giver. (AACN Domain 2,6, Concept  2, PO6, HCV 2,3) 

7. Assess models for managing conflict within organizations and with clients/patients, particularly within the  healthcare field. (AACN Domain 2,6, Concept 1, 2, PO 4, HCV 3,4) 


Faculty live sessions and recordings 


Written and video assignments 

Discussion boards 

Peer feedback 

Case studies 

Journal articles/readings 

Videos, podcasts, internet resources

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 


Course Information Module 


Introduction Video 


Discussion Boards (4 @ 10% each) 


Focused Assignments (2): 

1. DYNAD and Self-Assessment (15%) 

2. Difficult Conversations (24%)


Quizzes (3 quizzes @ 7% each) 


*Complete/Incomplete assignment requires a Complete to successfully pass this course.  

NOTE: Late Assignments: Assignments that are submitted late will receive a penalty of minus 10 points per  day. After 3 days, the grade reverts to a “zero (0).” Students are responsible for notifying their assigned faculty  in advance if an extenuating situation arises that affects their ability to submit an assignment on time. 

Graduate Progression Policy: The minimum passing grade in nursing courses is a B minus (B-). A student  who earns less than the minimum passing grade in one nursing course, but who has a semester GPA of at least  3.0, will be required to retake the course when it is offered again at Quinnipiac University. The student may not  proceed into courses for which the deficient course is a prerequisite. Thus, the student will be placed in another  student cohort and the student’s program completion date will be delayed. Please refer to the Graduate  Nursing Student Handbook and Policy Manual for more detail regarding student policies. 


Faculty may record class meetings and sessions. Individual student recording of classes or meetings is prohibited unless outlined in a student's learning accommodations. This includes photographs, screen capture, or other copying or sharing methods of all video (pre-recorded or live) or Zoom Chat exchanges during classes or meetings. Circulating such recordings via the internet, email, and social media is also prohibited. All students' privacy, and instructor copyright, must be appropriately protected in the online learning environment. Instructors and staff may not grant individual student requests to record class sessions or meetings. It violates the Academic Integrity Policy to make unauthorized recordings without approved accommodations from the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA), and doing so may result in sanctions against the student. 


There is a “camera on” approach in this course. All synchronous classes will take place via Zoom video conferencing. When attending class meetings and sessions, the student’s camera must be turned on and microphones muted unless speaking to the class. Students will attend using a computer (not a phone). The background should not have anything disruptive/distracting while the student is on camera. This includes, but is not limited to driving, or riding in a vehicle, riding a bike, exercising, or any activity that would take your attention away from the class. Feel free to set settings for a virtual background if preferred. Students should be dressed professionally, sitting up or standing, and paying attention and engaged throughout. If a student must leave, please leave the zoom session and sign back into the meeting as soon as able. The faculty reserve the right to remove the student from the classroom zoom meeting if the student does not meet professional expectations.  


Netiquette Policy – In any online communication, students will communicate academically and respectfully. Students will refrain from using inappropriate language and disrespectful tones when communicating with other students and the professor. Students will observe common rules of grammar and punctuation, communicate in a

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 

clear and succinct manner, and maintain the level of academic integrity expected in a traditional face-to-face course. The Core Rules of Netiquette 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only used with faculty permission per the syllabus guidelines. AI is not permitted in this graduate course, or for any assignments requiring clinical judgment, critical thinking, diagnostic reasoning, reflection, or discussion posts. Since writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills are part of developing clinical judgment and of the learning outcomes of this course, all writing assignments should be prepared by the student, without substantive assistance from others, including automated tools. Developing strong competencies in these areas will prepare you for a competitive workplace. The use of an AI Generator such as ChatGPT, iA Writer, MidJourney, DALL-E, etc. is explicitly prohibited unless otherwise noted by course faculty and will be treated as plagiarism. Additionally, the information derived from these tools is based on previously published materials and using these tools without proper citation constitutes plagiarism. Academic honesty is required in all work you submit to be graded. If used for another reason with faculty approval only, the proper APA 7th edition citation is required stating that AI was used for purpose. 


Quinnipiac University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It is committed to creating a learning environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning in this course, please discuss your concerns with me to devise a plan. If you have a disability or think you may have a disability, you should meet with the Office of Student Accessibility to begin this conversation or request reasonable accommodations. Please get in touch with the Office of Student Accessibility. They may also be reached at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 203-582-7600 If you have already been approved for accommodations through the Office of Student Accessibility, please share this information with your course faculty at the beginning of the semester. It is your responsibility to request accommodations and follow all policies established by the Learning Commons. 

Should you find yourself falling behind, please reach out immediately to your faculty. We want to provide you with any/all resources that might be helpful in ensuring your success in the course. It is easier for us to address your needs if we know about them as soon as they arise.  


The University Academic Integrity Policy is on the university web site and in the University Student Handbook.  The School of Nursing adheres strictly to this policy. The Academic Integrity Policy can be viewed in detail  at: MyQ > Academics > Academic Integrity > Academic Integrity Policy. 

Write the best nursing assignment for a master's student



Course Information Module Content:  

  • Guidelines for Graduate Education  

Holistic Core Values  

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional  Nursing Education 

  • University Policy and Student Support 

QU Statement on Inclusive Values 

QU Policy on Academic Integrity 

Academic and Student Support Services 

  • Quinnipiac Technology Support 

Technology Help Request 

Blackboard Guides and Resources

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 

Technology Center 

  • Library Orientation and APA Guidelines 

Edward and Barbara Netter Library Website 

Nursing Resource Guide 

Style and Grammar Guidelines from APA 

Netter Library APA Citation Help Guide 

Netter Library Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Next Steps 

Review Course Material 

Navigate the Course Interface 

Check for Announcements 

Participate in Introductions 

Utilize Communication Tools 

Review Technical Requirements 

Review and Seek Help 


American Psychological Association Style (APA Style), 7th Edition is required for all citations used in written  nursing assignments. Students must cite all facts, thoughts, and ideas, which are not original. For information  on APA resources see BB > Course Information Module> Library Orientation and APA Guidelines or see the  QU library website at MyQ > IT & Libraries> Library- Edward and Barbara Netter > Research Guides> APA  Citation Help. Plagiarism is a violation of the QU academic integrity policy.  


Faculty reserve the right to revise the syllabus and/or assignment guidelines at any point during the semester  when deemed necessary. Students will be informed of any changes to syllabus via BB, email and during class.  Revised syllabus will be posted on BB. It is the responsibility of the student to keep up with any such  modifications and be aware of current policies, deadlines, etc.  


Faculty may wish to use student assignments for exemplars as an aid for future students or for accreditation  purposes. Faculty may also wish to analyze student assignments, papers, or other learning activities for the  purposes of informing faculty evaluation, curricular revision, innovation, and/or future course planning. Your  confidentiality will be preserved. If you have any concerns, or do not wish that your work would be used for  these purposes, please speak to the course faculty. 


Modules are two weeks in length unless otherwise noted in the course schedule. Each module begins on  Monday and ends on Sunday at 11:59pm. Due dates for all module assignments are specified on the topical  outline and Blackboard.  


All materials are provided in Black Board (BB) Modules. Students are responsible for attending to all course  documents, announcements and assignments posted in BB. These postings are considered part of the course  syllabus. 

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 






Getting to Know You 

*NOTE: This Module is only 1 week long

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Attend class intro meeting scheduled 1/22 at 4:30 pm (or  review recorded session to be posted to BB after meeting) Submit Course Information Module Due 1/26 by 11:59  pm 

Introduction Video Due 1/26 by 11:59 pm 

Complete The Role of Listening: Self-Practice and  Reflection Exercise 

***Add/drop registration period ends on Monday 1/27/25.


Basic Negotiation Concepts 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

DYNAD and Self-Assessment Due 2/9 by 11:59 pm Discussion Board #1 

Your response to the discussion prompt(s) is due by 11:59 pm Sunday, 2/2. Constructive comments to at least two  peers are due by 11:59 pm Wednesday, 2/5.


Communication Skills and Cognitive Bias 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Discussion Board #2 

Your response to the discussion prompt(s) is due by 11:59 pm Sunday, 2/16. Constructive comments to at least two  peers are due by 11:59 pm Wednesday, 2/19.


Difficult Conversations Framework 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Attend synchronous session scheduled 2/24 at 10:00 am (or review recorded session to be posted to BB after  meeting)  

Quiz #1 [Content from Modules 1, 2 & 3] Due 3/9 by  11:59 pm 

Learning from Experience: Review and Reflection  Exercise



Enjoy the Break


Difficult Conversations – Part II 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Attend mid-semester class meeting scheduled 3/24 at  10:00 am (or review recorded session to be posted to BB  after meeting)  

Difficult Conversations Worksheet and Video Due 3/23  by 11:59 pm 

Difficult Conversations Responses (to at least two  peers) Due 3/26 by 11:59 pm 

***March 28 – Last Day to Withdraw with grade of W


Dealing with Challenging Behavior 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Quiz #2 [Content from Modules 4 & 5] Due 4/13 by  11:59 pm 

Discussion Board #3 

Your response to the discussion prompt(s) is due by 11:59 pm Sunday, 4/6. Constructive comments to at least two  peers are due by 11:59 pm Wednesday, 4/9.


Giving and Receiving Feedback 

*NOTE: This Module is only 1 week long **QU is closed on Friday, April 18th

See BB for Detailed Assignment


Decision Making Models & Dynamics 

See BB for Detailed Assignment 

Discussion Board #4 

Your response to the discussion prompt(s) is due by 11:59 pm Sunday, 4/27. Constructive comments to at least two  peers are due by 11:59 pm Wednesday, 4/30

Final Exam Week (5/5-5/9)

University Final Exam Week 

Quiz #3 [Content from Modules 6, 7 & 8] Due 5/9 by  11:59 pm

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 

ASSIGNMENTS (see Topical Outline for Due Dates) 

Assignment #1: Discussion Board (4 discussions at 10% each, for a total of 40% of course grade) 

Purpose: To reflect on course concepts, link course content to professional practice, and practice  communication skills with classmates. Discussion boards are significant to the teaching and learning process.  

Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 

Assignment Guidelines: 

Discussion board postings will follow guidelines: 

  • Prompts and instructions for postings are included in the Learning Modules in BB.  • A subject line needs to be created for initial posts. 
  • All posts should be written directly into the discussion board and not as an attachment (supplemental  references, figures or tables may be attached, however) 
  • Students may wish to create their original post in Microsoft Word and use “spellcheck” prior to cutting and  pasting into the discussion board. Students should edit all posts for grammar and spelling. • Posted comments need to connect to the module readings, videos and other activities. Some discussions will  relate more to the student’s experiences.  
  • Cite all materials you use (Journal articles, textbooks, videos etc.) according to APA format.  • Students are welcome to illustrate points with examples, however, information that is overly personal or  confidential should not be shared. No names of an individual or any facility or agency may be used. HIPAA  guidelines are to be respected. 
  • Comments in responses to classmates need to be substantive with inquiries rather than simply praise for  their good work. 
  • Initial discussion posts need to be concise, yet fully responsive to the question; remember that more writing  is not necessarily better; frame your main ideas and re-read and refine your content before posting. 

Method of Assessment: 

Grade for this component will be the numerical average of all discussion board assignments. 

A rubric will be posted and will be used for all assignments and discussion board posts. Students should view  the rubric carefully to identify the expectations for a high-quality discussion board post. 

Each discussion board will include a prompt with one or more questions. Students should post an original  response to the prompt as well as a response to two (2) peers by the due dates posted. The rubric posted  provides evaluation criteria.  

Assignment # 2: Focused Assignments (DYNAD and Self-Assessment 15% and Difficult Conversations  24%, for a total of 39% of course grade) 

Two of the modules include a brief written and/or videotaped assignment on a focused topic (e.g. DYNAD and  Self-Assessment and Difficult Conversations).

NUR 515DD Syllabus.DRAFT.SP25 

Purpose: The purpose of these assignments is to apply the content of the learning module into a real-life  situation. 


Relevant Course Outcomes: 1, 2, 4 

Assignment Guidelines: Specific instructions and a rubric for each assignment will be posted in Blackboard. Method of Assessment: Evaluation guidelines for each assignment will be posted in Blackboard.  Quizzes (3 quizzes at 7% each, for a total of 21% of course grade) 

Purpose: Quizzes are used to assess student comprehension of key concepts and content.  Relevant Course Outcomes: 1-7 

Assignment Guidelines: Quiz due dates and additional instructions will be posted on-line within the  appropriate module. Quizzes will be 5-15 questions and may be true/false, multiple choice, multiple answer,  matching and or short answer questions. Quizzes must be completed in one attempt. Quizzes not submitted  before the due date will earn a grade of zero (unless an alternative due date is arranged with the  instructor prior to the original due date due to an extenuating circumstance). Quiz grades will not be  released until after the deadline for completing the quiz passes.  

Method of Assessment: Grade for this component will be the numerical average of all quizzes.

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