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Food And Justice

Food And Justice

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The topic of Food Justice makes it evident that inequality in the United States has spread across sectors, including areas where it is least expected. I think the Mandela Foods and Mandela Marketplace are entities that took up major roles that the government failed to address. There have been efforts to eliminate inequality in society, especially based on race, but there seems to be a major gap that needs to be addressed. For the first time, I learned about an organization that works to ensure that marginalized groups have access to healthy foods. The unequal distribution of resources makes it difficult to counter issues such as food injustice. I am more concerned about how the limited access to healthy foods and diets exposes the African American community to chronic diseases. One might wonder why this community has a high rate of such illnesses. Others may criticize this community for living unhealthy lives that put them at risk for these illnesses. This lesson has created an awareness that it is not their fault and that they are technically forced to live on unhealthy foods and diets and eventually contract diseases such as heart problems and diabetes. 

I agree that food justice is necessary to address the different barriers that hinder low-income people and people of color from accessing local and organic foods. Unfortunately, farmers of color o through forced relocation and experience immigration laws that prevent them from owning land. People of color value agriculture, and to say the least, they are the major force behind the food products in the country. If the disparity and inequality issue is not fully addressed, the healthcare spending in this community will soon be unbearable. The community suffers challenges accessing local or organic fresh foods as these tend to have high prices than conventional and processed foods. Hence, they go for cheaper food products due to their low-income status. Eventually, they suffer diseases caused by poor lifestyles and unhealthy living even when they try as much to exercise healthy living habits. I appreciate the existence of different movements for food justice. It is new, and I never thought such movements existed in the country. I applaud the work of the justice activists who strive to change the food system and the social, political, and economic systems. The food justice activists actively shape the discourse around the relationship between racial and other inequalities and alternative food systems. 

Generally, if the issue of racial and ethnic inequality is eliminated, the issue of food justice will come into place. Most of the challenges affecting food justice are rooted in the fact that people of color do not have the authority to govern the agriculture industry. The few wealthy elites who benefit from the agricultural sector tend to make it difficult for the local farmers of color to propose or implement change in the sector that would otherwise compromise their greed and wealth-making cycles. The government needs to find strategic ways to make it possible for people of color, especially farmers, to access organic manure and fertilizers on their farms. This community also needs access to healthy organic fresh foods to allow them to enjoy healthy foods and evade the health issues associated with inorganic foods.

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