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Grad NSG Discussion grading rubric 400 level 1

Wilkes University 

Passan School of Nursing  

Graduate Program 

Grading Rubric for Online Discussions-400 Level Courses 

The purpose of online discussions is to develop an engaging scholarly conversation between faculty  and students that is relevant to the topics and related concepts each week. Successful interactive  online dialogue is dependent on the following: 

NSG 400 level courses: 

Alternatives to weekly discussion posts cannot be granted. Students are required to post  responses to discussion board questions during all online class weeks. 

❖ Student participation is monitored by course faculty in the distance education classroom,  according to the criteria outlined in the Grading Rubric for Online Discussions-400Level  Courses. 

❖ Each course adheres to the online academic week, which is the period between 12:01 AM ET  Monday morning through 11:59 PM ET Saturday. 

❖ Discussion posts placed on D2L prior to Monday morning at 12:01 AM ET are not  graded. 

❖ The initial discussion response is posted by 11:59 PM ET on Thursday of each week, so all  students have the opportunity to interact with other students and course faculty. Each  question posted in the weekly discussion area should have an initialresponse. 

❖ Students post a minimum of one response to a classmate or faculty discussion post by  Saturday at 11:59 PM ET. The initial discussion post and discussion response occur on two  different calendar days of each electronic week. Students are encouraged to respond to more  than just the 1 required post to promote an engaging classroom experience. Each question  posted in the weekly discussion area should have a response. 

❖ Initial discussion responses and responses to other required student posts should be a  minimum of 250 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of 2  references are required (one may be the course textbook). 

❖ Required discussion board responses are developed using appropriate peer reviewed scholarly  resources, scholarly writing, and include APA style citations and references. The in text  citations and references should match in the discussion posts as per APA style. Peer reviewed  scholarly resources should be no more than 5 years old, but this can change based upon your  topic. Scholarly sources include, for example, professional, peer reviewed publications or  reports from resources such as CDC, IOM, AACN, etc. These should be written by  professionals and scholars in the field. Websites are only scholarly, if written by professionals  and experts in the area. Wikipedia is not a scholarly source,for example. A web site such as  Medscape, CDC, and TIGER Initiative are examples of scholarly sources. If you have any  questions on scholarly sources please check with the course instructor. 

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Grading Rubric for Online Discussions-400 Level Courses



20 points


14 points


8 points

Did Not  


0 points

Discussion in the classroom demonstrates  comprehension of weekly course material  evidenced by responses that are insightful,  

analytical and promote an engaging  classroom environment.

The initial discussion response(s) for each  weekly question(s) is (are) posted by  Thursday at 11:59 PM ET for each  electronic week. This posting is a  

minimum of 250 words.

The required discussion response(s) to  student or faculty for each weekly  question(s) is (are) completed by Saturday at 11:59 PM ET for each electronic week. These postings are on different days of the  week than the initial post(s). This posting  is a minimum of 250 words.

Peer reviewed scholarly resources are used  for the 2 required discussion posts. A  minimum of 2 references are required. The  textbook may be used for one reference. 

Correct APA format, including references  and citations, writing mechanics, grammar,  spelling, and punctuation are used.

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