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H.R. 434: Prevention Mental Health and Substance Use Crises During Emergencies Act

David Trone sponsored the bill as the primary sponsors and Steve Womack as the original cosponsors. The bill was introduced to the 117th congress on January 21st of 2021, in its first stage of the bill processes (GovTrack.us., 2021). The bill was purposely “directed to the secretary of health and human services to develop a task force to strategize on the prevention of mental health and the rampant substance abuse during public health emergencies, among other purposes” (GovTrack.us., 2021). 

David Trone is a representative of Maryland’s congressional district. Inspired by the pandemic emergency and wide felt impacts towards citizens, he, therefore, raised the question of mental health and substance use, which are potential outcomes of the detrimental impacts associated with a crisis associated with public health, additionally, following the 31st 2020 declaration of the secretary of health and human services on the spread of COVID-19 and the subsequent argument of mental health and substances abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


According to Trone, if the situation is not contained, it will be dire for the following vulnerable groups facing a serious significant risk of burnouts and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) (GovTrack.us., 2021). They include; all categories of health care workers, COVID-19 patients, and the many individuals who have lost their loved ones to the Pandemic. After it was introduced in the house, it was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, where the committee will be tasked with the responsibility of ensuring accountability and relevance of the bill. It, therefore, gives the house a detailed issue associated with the bill for the house to vote on it. 

Following the recent outbreak of the pandemic and its impacts, which is on a nationwide basis, the bill is therefore appropriate in dealing with the speculated rise in mental health and drug abuse. The bill will reduce mortality rates associated with stress and drugs significantly to health care practices, especially in these unprecedented times. 


GovTrack.us. (2021). H.R. 434 — 117th Congress: Preventing Mental Health and Substance Use Crises During Emergencies Act. Retrieved from  https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/117/hr434 

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