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NHS-FPX 6008 assignment 4

Lobbying for Change 


School of Nursing and Health Sciences, Capella University

NHS-FPX6008 Economics and Decision Making in Health Care



Lobbying for Change 


Street Address City

Phone Number

May 10, 2023

His Excellency Brian Kemp

Office of Governor Georgia

206 Washington Street
Suite 203, State Capitol
Atlanta, GA 30334

Dear His Excellency, Brian Kemp


I am writing with urgency to discuss the concerning rise in healthcare costs among the senior population in Georgia. This issue poses a significant financial burden and necessitates prompt attention and intervention. The discrepancy in prescription expenses for the senior population is evident and inequitable. In many regions of the state, the cost of critical pharmaceuticals is significantly higher, ranging from two to three times the national average. The significant price burden disproportionately affects elderly individuals with low incomes, resulting in a formidable obstacle to obtaining essential medications and full healthcare services. The complex range of needs that accompany the process of aging, frequently requiring more substantial medical procedures, further compound the financial challenges experienced by this vulnerable population.

In addition to the direct financial burden of pharmaceuticals, the exorbitant costs related to post-acute care services, such as nursing homes and community-based programs, pose a significant barrier for numerous individuals who lack sufficient insurance coverage (Cohen & Flood, 2022). The adverse health outcomes observed in Georgia can be attributed to a significant proportion of the population lacking health insurance coverage, strict constraints on Medicaid, and a scarcity of resources. Consequently, our state ranks poorly in terms of providing enough support for our senior population. The available data presents alarming figures that shed light on a concerning state of affairs: Georgia, despite its lower population, exhibits a significantly higher number of uninsured individuals, surpassing that of California. Our state, along with 18 other states, rejects crucial federal money for individuals who do not meet the eligibility requirements of Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act (Bernard & Skelton, 2021). The refusal to provide assistance results in a significant number of individuals being deprived of feasible healthcare alternatives, hence prolonging an unsustainable cycle of sickness and economic burden.

Even among those who possess insurance coverage, it becomes evident that a significant proportion of severely sick residents of Georgia choose not to pursue necessary medical interventions as a result of deductibles that exceed those observed in states such as New York and California. Participants in Medicare Advantage, irrespective of their financial levels, express dissatisfaction with the hurried nature of care and the complex process involved in getting specialists, leading to a noticeable lack of comprehensive medical attention. Elderly adults with limited financial resources face a morally unacceptable predicament, wherein they must make a difficult decision between acquiring essential pharmaceuticals and meeting their basic nutritional needs (Malicka et al., 2022). The coverage provided by Medicare is insufficient to adequately address the entirety of individuals' healthcare bills. As a result, the financial burden of out-of-pocket expenses acts as a deterrent for individuals to get necessary healthcare treatments, leading to a negative cycle of deteriorating health and postponed diagnoses.

In order to address this situation, it is crucial that immediate action be taken. I strongly urge the government to implement the Inflation Reduction Act, which represents a crucial measure aimed at limiting yearly pharmaceutical expenditures at $2,000, while also empowering Medicare to engage in negotiations for reduced prescription drug costs. The aforementioned legislation is more than a mere alteration in policy; rather, it serves as a crucial safeguard that protects the most susceptible beneficiaries of Medicare from the severe repercussions of economic devastation resulting from the unaffordability of vital pharmaceuticals.

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Governor Kemp, it is imperative that the well-being of our elderly population is not contingent upon financial advantages or arbitrary factors. I kindly request the support of your respected institution in advocating for essential reforms aimed at providing full healthcare coverage to all retired individuals in Georgia. These reforms are crucial in addressing the challenging dilemma faced by retirees, who often have to choose between meeting their basic needs and accessing life-saving medications.

Yours sincerely 


Cohen, D., & Flood, C. (2022). Health economics. In Health Studies: An Introduction (pp. 269-294). Singapore: Springer Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-2149-9_9

Bernard, J. B.  & Skelton, D. S. (2021, August 14). Georgia’s troubled health care system. Georgia Health News. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiK8vfB6ur-AhUGhP0HHWXMD6EQFnoECAoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.georgiahealthnews.com%2F2021%2F08%2Fgeorgias-troubled-health-care-system%2F&usg=AOvVaw2HddbztvQ7UA1qHamXKHX3 

Malicka, B., Skośkiewicz-Malinowska, K., & Kaczmarek, U. (2022). The impact of socioeconomic status, general health and oral health on Health-Related Quality of Life, Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and mental health among Polish older adults. BMC geriatrics, 22(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-021-02716-7

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