Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

NURS-FPX6105 Assessment 3

Teaching Strategies


NURS-FPX6105 Teaching & Active Learning Strategies


Capella University 

Teaching Strategies

The development of efficient instructional techniques is of utmost importance in effectively disseminating course information to the targeted student population. It is important to ensure that instructional materials are tailored to the individual needs of each student, while simultaneously aligning with the overarching goals and objectives of the course. Hence, the process of course design and selection of teaching approaches involves making decisions on the content to be taught, the expected outcomes for students, potential hindrances to effective learning, and strategies to address and overcome such impediments. This report elucidates the proposed course on work-life balance designed for newly hired nurses during their facility orientation. It encompasses the target audience, the desired learning outcomes, the most efficacious instructional approaches for the course, strategies to address student resistance to learning, and methods to foster student motivation and self-directed learning.

Learning Outcomes

The training program will be advantageous for newly graduated nurses as it will facilitate their familiarization with the healthcare environment and the individuals under their care. Additionally, it will provide them with the necessary resources to effectively manage the demands of their profession while maintaining a harmonious equilibrium between their personal and professional lives, notwithstanding the inevitable obstacles they will encounter. In order to cultivate a robust and harmonious workforce, it is essential that nurses get proper direction or orientation about the attainment of a work-life equilibrium (Wang, 2021). Employees who acquire the skill of analyzing their work environment and implementing suitable strategies are more inclined to avoid burnout and stress, which are significant factors leading to the decision to quit one's job.

Objectives inform the design of the outcomes of the delivery of the course. By the end of the course, the learner shall have:

  • Despite having several hospital nurse responsibilities, she tried to maintain a good work-life balance.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle indicators were identified.
  • I have discovered the root causes of burnout, stress, and other signs of life out of whack and how to restore equilibrium
  • Acquire proficiency in communicating with a wide variety of patients to lessen the impact of these interactions on emotional well-being. 
  • Effectively managed time and established objectives.
  • Learned to draw boundaries between work and home,
  • Acquired know-how in dealing with tension and resolving disputes
  • Furthermore, it identified the most efficient ways to get things done in nursing.

Appropriate Teaching Strategies

Both regular classroom lectures with PowerPoint and flipped classrooms are used as pedagogical approaches. Conventional pedagogical approaches effectively provide students with the necessary theoretical foundation to cultivate proficiency in achieving a harmonious equilibrium between their professional and personal lives. The authors of the study (Torkshavand et al., 2020) assert that their method is rooted in the outcome-based education paradigm, which prioritizes the instruction of practical skills that have applicability outside the confines of the educational setting. Within this traditional framework, both students and educators engage in the process of assessing their own performance and engaging in reflective practices to ascertain the extent to which they are progressing towards the intended educational outcomes. According to Torkshavand et al. (2020), it is recommended that evaluations be guided by both theoretical knowledge and clinical competence.

In order to enhance traditional educational methods, novel techniques such as the "flipped classroom" have been used. According to the findings of Low et al. (2021), the primary objective of implementing a flipped classroom approach is to provide a learner-centered educational experience and enhance student engagement by prioritizing self-directed learning. The literature presents a varied body of data about the efficacy of integrating team-based strategies with the learner-centered flipped classroom model in the context of providing nursing education of superior quality. According to Torkshavand et al. (2020), the incorporation of learner-centered strategies such as role-playing and scenario simulation may enhance nursing competence by facilitating learners' familiarity with working situations. Furthermore, the integration of active learning into nursing education has been recommended by Low et al. (2021). This approach involves providing nurses with chances to promptly use the knowledge acquired in the classroom. The instruction of newly trained nurses about the need of maintaining a healthy equilibrium between their professional and personal lives might potentially be enhanced by the use of both traditional and innovative methodologies. Nevertheless, in order to achieve effectiveness, it is important to tailor these strategies to meet the specific needs of each student.

Capella University Nursing Assignment Help

Managing Barriers to Learning

In a regular classroom setting, students, regardless of their classification as "traditional" or "non-traditional," encounter various challenges or barriers. Regmi and Jones (2020) provide many instances of barriers that individuals may encounter in the realm of language, including language hurdles, reading and writing difficulties, behavioral obstacles, individual impediments, and environmental constraints. Individual-specific barriers include several challenges that are distinct to each individual. These challenges may manifest as physical limitations, behavioral issues such as absenteeism and attention-seeking, as well as motivational obstacles that the learner may encounter. Cultural influences, familial origins and complexity are examples of contextual obstacles. In order to ensure the efficacy of the educational plan, it is necessary for the educator to use strategies aimed at surmounting these challenges.


Regmi & Jones (2020) highlighted many methods teachers might use to overcome these challenges that students may encounter in the classroom in both small and large groups. The first approach is to create and administer a learner profile exam at the institutional level to identify students experiencing linguistic and cultural difficulties. The test's results could be used to determine which students need to have the course taught in a language other than English and which students can speak multiple languages and help their classmates or patients understand the material being taught in class. The second strategy is working with local social workers and organizations to address the challenges that students may experience due to their social and cultural backgrounds. The third strategy is using a learning style assessment, such as Kolb's, to determine which learning approaches students prefer and how to overcome any obstacles they may have (Idkhan & Idris, 2021).

How Strategies Help Overcoming Barriers

If nurses of various cultural origins are learning English as a second language, the learner profile technique may help identify potential language barriers. If the hospital knows which incoming nurses need language assistance, it may engage interpreters or translators to help with the oral training (Borup & Evmenova, 2019). New nurses, who will be interacting with patients with various language needs, may also find this approach valuable when they return to their workstations to complete their orientation. Second, the clinical nurse educator can be better prepared to assist new nurses in resolving cultural and family issues that may impede their orientation and learning in the specific facility by collaborating with social workers and other community resources. When exposed to a new context, learners may experience social and psychological issues; social workers and community-based organizations are equipped to tackle some of these challenges (Amatullah et al., 2021). Regmi & Jones. (2020) found that including the clinical nurse educator in the classroom improved the educator's ability to assist children with learning difficulties.

The third strategy utilizes a learning style survey as a means to assist individuals in overcoming their distinct learning challenges. The customization of this approach can be attributed to the association between a student's learning style and their level of academic achievement (Arduini-Van Hoose, 2020). According to Idkhan and Idris (2021), the integration of non-traditional techniques, such as blended learning, with conventional classroom sessions underscores the heightened significance of employing a learning style assessment. According to Borup and Evmenova (2019), the authors of the study assert that educators who employ the inventory possess the necessary data to customize their instructional approaches and accommodate the individualized learning preferences and skill levels of their students. Implementing a personalized approach to education sessions that align with the unique needs and preferences of individual nurses would be a beneficial strategy for organizing lifestyle-oriented courses.

Impact of Strategies on Motivation

The motivation of students can be influenced by a combination of internal and external factors. Both strategies aimed at educating the student population and eliminating barriers to learning in the classroom can effectively maintain student interest and enhance their engagement in academic pursuits. Borup and Evmenova (2019) assert that employing strategies, such as the utilization of learning style inventories, can effectively address the distinct learning barriers faced by students. This approach has the potential to engage learners who exhibit a lack of motivation, thereby fostering their active participation in the educational experience. According to Torkshavand et al. (2020), the implementation of workshops or active learning strategies can effectively maintain students' interest and engagement by facilitating the immediate application of classroom knowledge to real-world situations.

Adult learners demonstrate a higher propensity to engage actively in course material and derive advantages from it when provided with occasions to apply their acquired knowledge in real-world settings. This study showcases the efficacy of active learning strategies, such as role-playing and simulated scenarios, in fostering inspiration and engagement among students. In order to enhance the academic success of children, it is advantageous to establish collaborations with social workers and community-based organizations, as suggested by Ocloo et al. (2021). This approach facilitates the provision of essential emotional and social assistance to children. The collaboration between teachers and social workers enhances the learning experience as it provides students with a heightened sense of resource availability.


A comprehensive work-life balance course for new nurses during facility orientation requires a well-planned approach that involves a number of instructional modalities tailored to the needs and issues of the student body. The adoption of numerous instructional methods, from lecture-based approaches to more student-centered methods like role-playing and simulated scenarios. It has also been emphasized that tailored approaches may help students overcome language and cultural hurdles to learning. Educators may create a more inviting and fascinating classroom atmosphere by employing tools like learner profiles and learning type assessments to fulfill the different needs of their students. These strategies not only benefit students in overcoming barriers, but also boost their motivation and participation in the learning process as a whole. The eventual success of such a program depends on the effective blending of various teaching styles and tailored support systems that cater to the unique requirements of new nurses.


Amatullah, T., Avanzato, R., Baxter, J., Gibbins, T., Graham, L., Fradkin-Hayslip, A., ... & Waid, N. (2021). Foundations of Education (Fall 2021). https://dspace.sunyconnect.suny.edu/handle/1951/71794

Arduini-Van Hoose, N. (2020). Systems of Classroom Management. Educational Psychology. https://edpsych.pressbooks.sunycreate.cloud/chapter/systems-of-classroom-management/

Borup, J., & Evmenova, A. S. (2019). The effectiveness of professional development in overcoming obstacles to effective online instruction in a College of Education. Online Learning, 23(2), 1-20. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1218368

Idkhan, A. M., & Idris, M. M. (2021). Dimensions of students learning styles at the university with the kolb learning model. International Journal of Environment, Engineering and Education, 3(2), 75-82. http://ijeedu.com/index.php/ijeedu/article/view/60

Low, M. C., Lee, C. K., Sidhu, M. S., Lim, S. P., Hasan, Z., & Lim, S. C. (2021). Blended learning to enhanced engineering education using flipped classroom approach: An overview. Electronic Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology, 7(1). https://ejcsit.uniten.edu.my/index.php/ejcsit/article/view/111

Ocloo, J., Garfield, S., Franklin, B. D., & Dawson, S. (2021). Exploring the theory, barriers and enablers for patient and public involvement across health, social care and patient safety: a systematic review of reviews. Health research policy and systems, 19, 1-21. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s12961-020-00644-3

Regmi, K., & Jones, L. (2020). A systematic review of the factors–enablers and barriers–affecting e-learning in health sciences education. BMC medical education, 20(1), 1-18. https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-020-02007-6

Torkshavand, G., Khatiban, M., & Soltanian, A. R. (2020). Simulation-based learning to enhance students’ knowledge and skills in educating older patients. Nurse Education in Practice, 42, 102678. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1471595319307024

Wang, S. (2021). Flexible work management and work-life balance. https://www.theseus.fi/handle/10024/506614


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