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Nursing Research

Type: Assignments

Subject: Nursing research assignment

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Undergraduate/College

Length: 3 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Title: Nursing research

Instructions: please look at the 3 articles included and answer the following questions: 1. identify methods that qualitative researchers use to establish trustworthiness. 2. what was the central phenomenon under investigation? 3. what methods of data collection were used? 4. how did such data collection methods enrich the study? 5. what type of sampling plan was used? 6. how many subjects were in the study?

Nursing Research 

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Nursing Research

The Analysis of the Article: A Model of Caregiving Through the End of Life: Seeking Normal

Identification of Trustworthiness in The Article

The article’s trustworthiness could be first identified through the researchers. The investigation in the article was carried out by experienced researchers in qualitative studies. The researchers were also assisted by nurses with interest in the related field of palliative care and hospice (Penrod, Hupcey, Shipley, Loeb, & Baney, 2012). Hence, making the article more credible. Besides, informed consent among the participants increases the reliability of the study. 

The Central Phenomenon Being Investigated

The study aimed at analyzing the experiences of that the end of life caregivers go through. Specifically, the research aimed at investigating the things that the informal caregivers such as family members experience while taking care of adults with life-limiting conditions.

The Methods That Were Being Applied in Data Collection

Grounded theory methods were extensively used in the research to investigate about the terminal and preterminal phases that occur in informal care-giving. The study involved two experienced qualitative researchers who were assisted by four research assistants (RAs) with keen interest in hospice and palliative care. Clinicians also aided in the recruitment of the participants.

The Way Data Collection Methods Enriched the Study

The main data collection method in the study was in-depth face-to-face interviews. The interviews enriched the study because it allowed for further probing by the researchers. Consequently, the investigators would get to know more about the experiences of the care givers by asking questions that they would get immediate responses and seek for clarifications in situations whereby they did not understand. Face-to-face interviews also allowed the researchers to take field notes that would later help in the analysis.

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The Sampling Plan That Were Used

Participants in the study were recruited from four different communities, as well as hospice care services and hospital-based palliative services. Besides, two nurses with experiences in end-of-life care were recruited. The inclusion criterion included being an English-speaking individual, aged 18 years and above, and be a self-declared caregiver. 

The Subjects Involved in The Study

The study involved 46 informal caregivers. 

The Analysis of the Article: An Ethnographic Study of Participant Roles in School Bullying

Identification of Trustworthiness in The Article

The method used in the study increases its reliability. Ethnography is one of the most reliable methods in qualitative study. It allows the participants to act naturally since the investigations take place in the participants’ environment. Therefore, the study is reliable. However, the sample size would have affected its accuracy.

The Central Phenomenon Being Investigated

The central phenomenon under investigation was school bullying. The study aimed at distinguishing the patterns involved in school bullying. 

The Methods That Were Being Applied in Data Collection

Data was collected through observation. The participants were observed under the general classroom settings and outside the classrooms for a period six months (Gumpel, Zioni‐Koren, & Bekerman, 2014). The main observation targeted discovering how the participants perceived bullying and victimization as they interacted with the peers and teachers. 

The Way Data Collection Methods Enriched the Study

Ethnographic observation helped in enriching the study because it investigated the 20 10th graders under their natural settings. That is, the observation took place in an environment that allowed the learners to behave naturally. Therefore, they did not twist how they interact with peers and teachers in the context of bully.

The Sampling Plan That Were Used

The sample remedial classroom was chosen after an observation of several remedial classes for a period of over 6 months. The inclusion criterion is not indicated. 

The Subjects Involved in The Study

The study involved 20 10th graders in a remedial class.

The Analysis of the Article: Comfort Experience in Palliative Care: A Phenomenological Study

Identification of Trustworthiness in The Article

The method used in the research increases the credibility and reliability of the study. The research uses non-structured interviews that allows researchers to probe more about the phenomenon under consideration hence gather the most reliable data for the study. 

The Central Phenomenon Being Investigated

The main goal of the study was to explain the comfort and discomfort that inpatients face in their palliative care units. 

The Methods That Were Being Applied in Data Collection

The main method of data collection in the study was non-structured interviews (Coelho, Parola, Escobar-Bravo, & Apóstolo, 2016). The inpatients were asked direct questions such as how they felt being hospitalized in the palliative care units. Besides, maximum considerations were taken into the account regarding the vulnerability of the patients. 

The Way Data Collection Methods Enriched the Study

The unstructured interviews enriched the study by allowing the researchers to focus more palliative care experiences. That is, the researchers would clarify their preliminary understandings about what they thought regarding the phenomenon under considerations. 

The Sampling Plan That Were Used

The study subjects were selected through purposive sampling. The head nurses were involved in the recruitment processes to ensure that the researchers got the most eligible inpatient participants. Besides, purposive sampling ensured that the study involved participants from wide spectrums of ages, hospitalization, gender, and diagnosis. 

The Subjects Involved in The Study

The study involved a total of 17 inpatients participants.


Coelho, A., Parola, V., Escobar-Bravo, M., & Apóstolo, J. (2016). Comfort experience in palliative care: a phenomenological study. BMC Palliative Care15(1), 1-8.

Gumpel, T. P., Zioni‐Koren, V., & Bekerman, Z. (2014). An ethnographic study of participant roles in school bullying. Aggressive Behavior40(3), 214-228.

Penrod, J., Hupcey, J. E., Shipley, P. Z., Loeb, S. J., & Baney, B. (2012). A model of caregiving through the end of life: seeking normal. Western Journal of Nursing Research34(2), 174-193.

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