Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

PRAC 6531_ AGPCNP Clinical Skills and Procedures

Self-Assessment Form


(Can complete independently)

Mostly confident
(Can complete with supervision)

(Have performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident)

(Have never performed or does not apply)

Biopsy (excision or punch)


Never Performed

Cerumen removal


Clinical breast examination


Digital rectal exam


Never Performed

EKG 12 lead placement and interpretation


Epistaxis management/nasal packing


Fluorescein stain of the eye


Never Performed

Gait and balance assessment


Never Performed

Herpes culture


Never Performed

I &D abscess


Never Performed

CXR interpretation


KOH skin slide for fungus


Never Performed

Laboratory/diagnostic testing-order and/or interpret


Mini Mental Status Exam


Never Performed

Nail examination and removal/nail trephination/subungual hematoma


Never Performed

Nasal packing, removal of


Never Performed

Pap smear


Peak flow meter


Never Performed

Prostate examination


Never Performed

Remove foreign body
(ear, eye, nose, soft tissue, other)


Never Performed

Skin tag removal,

tick removal


Never Performed



Never Performed

PFT interpretation




Wart destruction/removal


Wound care


Radiology reports: Interpret chest X-ray, constipation


Inject local anesthetics


Never Performed

Summary of strengths:


Among the strengths that I realize have when it comes to clinical skills and procedures are as follows: 

  • I have the ability to elaborate the patient’s reasons and concerns for visit, which makes me have the ability to address the mentioned concerns. 

  •  I also realize that I can be able to obtain information from the patient and document the list of assessment based on the assessment checklist, this will provided me with the direction towards patient medication, nutrition and holistic care. 

  • I can collect and document and use the right patient history, in addition to the relevant family and social history of the patient (Jacob et al., 2015). 

  • I am good in decision making especially when it comes to patient compliance with treatment, therapy and medication.  I ensure that they have followed the care instructions, and medication regimen, including making the right lifestyle suggestions

  • I also exhibit empathy when dealing with a patient, this has helped me when I encounter with patients that experience a number of psychological and physical issues. 

  • Also I possess strong communication skills

  • I am a very reliable and flexible person, which means I can adapt to different clinical environment. 


Opportunities for growth:

Among the areas that I felt I require a lot of opportunities for growth include: 

  • Continued education is very important as this will make me become a more specialized nurse practitioner. 

  • On the Job training is also very important as this will ensure that as a nurse practitioner, I am updated with the current practice and current trends in the nursing profession. 

  • I would also like to be responsible as a Family nursing practitioner, where I will take on continued care jobs will patients who have been discharged from the hospital ("Nursing education: Review of assessment, clinical care, and implications for practice regarding older adult patients with cancer," 2018) .  In most cases I would like to deal with chronic condition patients and help them cope and know how to live with and manage the condition. 

  • I also need to educate myself more about patient record keeping, as this is very important in patient care (Misto, 2017).  If it is important to add information into the current record, I need to learn more about labeling or coding since additional information if done the wrong way can alter the patient progress. 


Now, write 3–4 possible goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Ensure that they follow the SMART Strategy, as described in the Learning Resources. 


Goal 1: Learn to apply standard procedures of a hospital

Objective 1:  Find out about the practice requirements of the hospital, including my state Nurse Practice Act so I can be compliant with the professional board and organization’s standard of care. 

Goal 2:  Learn how to conduct documentation of Patient Details

Objective 2:  To find out the impact of using a standard form in patient documentation, and how this assists in clinical decision making,  patient diagnosis, establishing the patient treatment plan and further actions for care and support. 

Goal 3:  Ensure proper documentation and preservation of patient records.

Objective 3:  Find out the impact or patient recording keeping, in development of the patient condition whether admitted or not. 


Jacob, A., Tarachand, J., & R, R. (2015). Health assessment. Clinical Nursing Procedures: The Art of Nursing Practice, 1-1. https://doi.org/10.5005/jp/books/12418_2

Misto, K. (2017). Family perceptions of family nursing in a magnet institution during acute hospitalizations of older adult patients. Clinical Nursing Research, 28(5), 548-566. https://doi.org/10.1177/1054773817748400

Nursing education: Review of assessment, clinical care, and implications for practice regarding older adult patients with cancer. (2018). Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1188/18.cjon.s2.19-25


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