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The New Deal

The New Deal

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The New Deal

1.  Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC)

2. Works Progress Administration (WPA)

The New Deal included a number of provisions aimed at assisting minorities. The CCC and the WPA, for example, both had good impacts on minorities, despite the fact that others, such as the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA), were seen as having detrimental impacts on minorities. Most of the CCC's workers were between the ages of 18 and 25. It also hired Native Indians, World War I veterans, and many other minorities, including the African Americans. One of the primary reasons this program benefitted minorities was that it did not impose any qualifications on anyone seeking to join CCC. In reality, it was via CCC that many people learned to read and write, as well as develop a wide range of other abilities (Maher, 2008). Additionally, it is noteworthy to highlight the passage of a racial discrimination amendment in the CCC, which set the way for other organizations to follow, resulting in an increase in the employment rate of minorities. 

On the basis of Elliot Rosen's scholarly source Roosevelt, the Great Depression and economic recovery, it is noted that the New Deal helped reduce the effects of the Great Depression by creating jobs, creating social security, and developing a variety of programs aimed at different sectors in the economy (Goldberg,2005). As an example, each of the programs listed above has a specific target audience and a specific objective to meet. Acts like the Glass-Steagall Act in banking, the Securities and Exchange Act in securities markets, and the Agricultural Adjustment Act in agriculture all fall under this umbrella (AAA).

Roosevelt was aware that some of these programs would take some time to bear fruit. The problems that the American people were confronting need an immediate remedy. It's for this reason that programs like the CCC, the WPA, and the PWA have been put in place to help people find work. People who took part in the programs and their families saw an increase in their standard of life as a result of the money they earned via these gainful job activities. Moreover, the government's increased spending activities resulting from the WPA and PWA efforts helped to improve the economy in tandem with its key projects. Others, such as Social Security, were enacted to protect the economy against a repeat of the Great Depression and to mitigate its bad impacts. As a result of this, we would be shielding the economy from the negative consequences. All of these efforts contributed to the conclusion of the Great Depression and the re-establishment of the economy. 

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Goldberg, C. A. (2005). Contesting the status of relief workers during the New Deal: The Workers Alliance of America and the Works Progress Administration, 1935–1941. Social Science History, 29(3), 337-371.

Maher, N. M. (2008). Nature's New Deal: The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Roots of the American Environmental Movement. Oxford University Press on Demand.

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