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World War II 2

 World War II 2

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World War II 2

In the 1930s, the United States started a period of isolation as fascism and imperialism surged in favor across the globe, notably in Germany, Italy, and Japan. It would have had little impact on history if the United States had intervened during the emergence of these nations. Factionalism arose largely as a result of the Treaty of Versailles, in which Germany accepted practically full responsibility for the war and hefty war debts while also losing a large chunk of its land. In spite of their valiant efforts, countries like Japan and Italy, who were victorious in the war and made huge sacrifices, received little compensation. They grew more military and imperialist as a consequence of their resentment of the other country. There was already a global governance body in place, the League of Nations. Despite the fact that it was their responsibility to maintain peace between countries, they were always inept and inefficient. "The League of Nations publicly denounced Japan's annexation of Chinese land in 1931 and 1932, but it did little further," a League of Nations statement reads (Abramitzky et al., 2021). When the Emperor of Ethiopia approached the League of Nations and asked for help, the League of Nations did nothing to halt the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. The path of history had already been decided decades before the arrival of the United States.

Atomic (nuclear) weapons were used to kill millions of Japanese people and put an end to a war that had lasted half a decade, not destroy democracy. There were many Japanese individuals who were willing to die for their nation. During a meeting with President Truman, General Marshall projected that 31,000 men might be in Japan within 30 days after landing on Kyushu during Operation Downfall, the intended invasion. It was anticipated that the invasion would result in 268,000 deaths, by Admiral Leahy. As many as four million American lives might be lost, according to estimates by the Navy Department. It was believed that up to 10 million Japanese were killed by the same department." In the UK (History Learning), this would have shook the foundations of the United States and set the stage for a period of unrest. So the bomb was dropped as a sign of American will to win the war (Selassie, 1936). Consequently. In order to prevent any more deaths, it was not about suppressing democracy.

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Abramitzky, R., Boustan, L., Jacome, E., & Perez, S. (2021). Intergenerational mobility of immigrants in the united states over two centuries. American Economic Review, 111(2), 580-608.

Selassie, H. (1936). Appeal to the League of Nations. Astro. June.

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