Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Whether or Not I will hire a Scrapper

Type:Discussion post

Subject: Discussion Board

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 2 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

Additional information:   The readings and viewings in this module explore the various stages in organizational human resourcing. This discussion board will explore those phases; hiring, performance evaluation, professional development, and succession planning.

  • Hiring practices have a great influence on the success of an organization. What is your experience with how organizations have made those choices? Regina Hartley’s Ted Talk video presents a unique view of the ‘scrapper” Would you hire a “scrapper”? Why or why not?
  • Employees expect and need feedback on their performance. An organization must evaluate if employees can and do meet job expectations. How employee feedback and performance reviews are designed and carried out have a significant influence on employee satisfaction and retention. Daniel Pink’s Ted Talk speaks to employee motivation in business settings and the article by Hopson, Petri, & Kufera discusses the concept of embeddedness in an acute care setting. Daniel Pink discusses varying incentives and some of the considerations in deploying incentives. Pink focuses on three elements for employees to be motivated at work: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Hopson, et al. (2018) evaluated the concept of embeddedness. What similarities, differences do you see in these views? What has been your experience with employers addressing this aspect of employee experience?
  • The articles by Pool, Poell, Berings & Cate (2015)  and Weirich ( 2017) discuss professional development and the varying needs of the workforce based on age and experience level. Based on where you are in your career/life do agree with the authors? Why or why not?
  • Succession planning is being more broadly deployed in business and healthcare. Do you think succession planning is an integral part of organizational leadership? Have you worked in organizations where succession planning was evident? Glassman and Withall (2018) discuss learning agility as a mechanism to evaluate potential. 

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Whether or Not I will hire a Scrapper

Regina Hartley (2015) describes two categories of employees: the Scrappers and the Silver Spoon. The Silver Spoons are destined for success and brings advantages to the company because of their education level and job experience. However, the Scrappers struggle against multiple obstacles to access the same opportunities as the Silver Spoons. These individuals are driven and willing to complete tasks beneath their experience and education level to enhance organizational performance and earn a title for themselves. Therefore, I can hire scrappers because of their efforts to enhance their performance and earn a title in a company. Additionally, hiring them promotes diverse and inclusive practices that are crucial for a company’s growth.

Similarities and Differences in Pinks’ and Hopson’s View on Employee Motivation

According to Pink (2009), contemporary psychology is concerned with intrinsic motivation. Pink defines intrinsic motivators as individual’s aspiration to do more for their benefit. In the business world, intrinsic motivation revolves around autonomy, mastery, and purpose.  Autonomy is the individual’s desire to direct their lives while mastery is the need to develop skills or get better. In contrast, purpose is a person’s desire to do things for other reasons other than themselves. According to Pink, most managers reduce individual’s autonomy by focusing on compliance. Nonetheless, they can increase employee’s autonomy by assigning them individual projects. Such strategies promote mastery and a sense of purpose among employees.

Hopson et al. (2018) focuses on job embeddedness. The concept of job embeddedness (JE) incorporates the community, the environment, and employee’s job satisfaction. JE is based on the premise that people becomes more embedded if they have links to both the community and organization. JE is defined by three attributes including a person’s perceived fit or level of comfort in the community and organization,  the connections or links they have to the community and organizational activities and people, and sacrifice or what an a employees leaves behind after leaving the community or the organization.

Pink and Hopson’s have different views regarding boosting employee satisfaction. Pink believes in giving employees the freedom to engage in tasks they want to develop mastery and a sense of purpose. However, Hopson in the concept of embeddedness to ensure employees feel compatible with their companies, develop strong connection with organization activities and other employees. These attributes improves their performance and satisfaction levels. Both intrinsic motivation and JE concepts focus on boosting employee performance and job satisfaction. In my organization, team work is appreciated and individuals’ autonomy is promoted through learning and engaging individuals in the decision-making process.

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Professional Development and Varying Workforce Needs

According to Pool et al. (2015), daily work is a crucial aspect for professional development across all employees regardless their age and experience. However, building a career and gaining experience is important for younger employees. Middle-aged employees prefer work-life balance and making their work varied and interesting, while older workers prefer consistency at work. I agree with the author regarding the needs of different generation of nurse workers. As a young worker, I consider gaining experience and building my career to be important than work-life balance or challenging and varying tasks.

Weirich(2017) notes that Millemials have bigger ambitions because they  were brought up in the tech age. They are suitable to the impatient, entrepreneurial, and dynamic digital world. However, Millennials are stereotyped as individuals who cannot stay in their jobs for more than two years and are disloyal to their employers. Nonetheless, the author states that these individuals are programmed to embrace and accept a transforming landscape. The author further states that Millennials suffer because they lack mentorship and coaching in their workplace.  Despite their lack of experience, they are assigned more responsibilities without someone to guide them. Lack of consideration to the new generations’ lack of skillsets and experience contribute to generation gaps in the workplace. I agree with the author because lack of mentorship and coaching frustrates novice nurses. As a result, they end up leaving the profession.

Strategic Planning as an Integral Part of Strategic Leadership

I agree with Philips et al.(2017) that succession planning is an integral part of strategic leadership. The program reduces transitioning time into the new rule and reduces replacement expenses. Additionally, it provides organizations with an internal source of future leaders who understands the company’s vision and mission. However, before embracing succession planning, organizations should conduct a cost-benefit analysis to find if it is a viable business approach. I agree that Glassman and Withall(2019) nine box approach has applicability to healthcare because it helps identify potential nurse leaders from the available management group, which is crucial for future organizational development and growth.


Glassman, K. S., & Withall, J. (2018). Nurse manager learning agility and observed leadership ability: A case study. Nursing Economics, 36(2), 74-82.

Hartley, R. (2015). Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume[Video]. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiDQDLnEXdA

Hopson, M., Petri, L., & Kufera, J. (2018). A new perspective on nursing retention: Job embeddedness in acute care nurses. Journal for nurses in professional development, 34(1), 31-37.

Phillips, T., Evans, J. L., Tooley, S., & Shirey, M. R. (2018). Nurse manager succession planning: A cost–benefit analysis. Journal of nursing management, 26(2), 238-243.

Pink, D. (2009). Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation[Video]. YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrkrvAUbU9Y

Pool, I. A., Poell, R. F., Berings, M. G., & ten Cate, O. (2015). Strategies for continuing professional development among younger, middle-aged, and older nurses: A biographical approach. International journal of nursing studies, 52(5), 939-950.

Weirich, B. (2017). A millennial leader's views on the millennial workforce. Nurse Leader, 15(2), 137-139.

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