Acute Confusion Care Plan

Acute Confusion Care Plan

Acute Confusion Care Plan Writing Help

Acute confusion care plan also is known as delirium is a decline from the previous level of mental function. It causes attention deficit and disorganization. The onset of acute confusion is sudden. The cause is usually a post-operative state or illness generally in unfamiliar surroundings. It mostly affects the elderly. Most of the cases occur after hospital admissions although it also affects a small percentage of the elderly who get sick at home. Doctors and nurses need to get a legitimate acute confusion care plan writing help to come up with a well structured and clear nursing care plan for consistent assessment records of the patient.

Patients and their loved ones are affected much by episodes of acute confusion, but doctors or nurses see it as a normal occurrence and can spot it early and handle the condition by adopting the necessary care plan. The patient, hence, require a series of monitoring sessions.

Acute Confusion Care Plan Diagnosis

The best way to determine the right care plan to reverse acute confusion is by determining the cause. It begins with a medical checkup that includes gathering the information on patient's history, performing a physical examination, relevant imaging and lab tests that help to identify underlying causes. A nurse should look out for these signs and symptoms.

  • Fluctuation in psychomotor activities
  • Lack of motivation to initiate and follow through activities or purposeful behavior
  • Increases restlessness or agitation
  • Cognition fluctuation
  • Hallucinations
  • Misperceptions

Acute Confusion Care Plan Assessment

Usually, the cause is something that is easy to treat, and by addressing it, the confusion will clear with time. For example, after you give a confused diabetic suffering from low blood sugar some sugar, the confusion will end.

There are varied causes of a reaction from disease or medicine might be a trigger. Nonetheless, the most common reasons are:

  • Head injuries after an accident
  • Chest and urinary infections
  • Reaction of withdrawal from drug, medication or alcohol
  • Dehydration
  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Low oxygen levels in a patient's blood

Acute Confusion Care Plan Interventions and Rationales

Take Comfort enhancing measures

The condition of a confused patient improves significantly with appropriate nursing conditions in which they feel comfortable. These conditions include a calm quiet and well-lit room. A busy hospital might not be able to provide such status for all patients, but it is possible to orient the patients to the surroundings, staff and essential activities. Presentation of reality should be brief and concise to prevent a nasty reaction. As a caregiver giver, you should not immediately challenge illogical thinking as it might cause a defensive response.

Personalize care plan

Give special attention to the patient to monitor the trend of behavioral manifestations as it helps in identifying the likely triggers of delirium. Pain is one of the triggers hence special attention helps in fast identification of the time when a patient is in pain, identify the cause and suppress the cause. Communicate the need for customized care to other caregivers so that they do not construe it as patient preference. If possible, the same team of caregivers should treat the patient to ensure consistency in the kind of care.

Familiarize the patient to the surroundings

Disruption of familiar lifestyle can cause acute confusion, especially to aged patients. It is necessary to plan the creation of familiar surrounding as a way of controlling acute confusion. A nice way is to manipulate a situation to make it close to the surrounding that the person that the person sees every day. Place familiar objects such as wall clock or calendar in sight. Encourage presence of family and friends around the patient for a long time.

You should also maintain the sleep cycle and pattern of doing things as much as possible. You can, however, encourage the Patient to take less or no daytime naps to sleep more deeply at night.

Take preventive steps

Even as you treat acute confusion, it is necessary to employ preventive these measures to prevent recurrence of delirium.

  • Recommend a nutritious diet
  • Ensure that patients take adequate amount of water and healthy fluids
  • Prevent excessive sensory stimulation
  • Take the patient through reasonable physical exercise
  • Avoid rapid cessation of consumption of medicine or substances that a patient is dependent

The control of acute confusion to a large extent lies in treating the cause rather than pharmacological means.


Acute Confusion Care Plan Writing Help

Coming up with a clear nursing care plan may be a bit challenging for the nurse on duty. For this reason, most of the nurses seek Acute Confusion Care Plan writing help online for a good and detailed care plan. We offer exclusive Nursing Care Plans Writing Services to nurses and nursing students at affordable rates. Our Nursing care plans are original, structural and well-written to provide an easy guide to assessment and treatment for patients. Hire our competent writers for an affordable Acute Confusion Care Plan writing help online with 100% money guarantee.

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