Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Genogram/Family History Assignment

Genogram/Family History Assignment 

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Genogram/Family History Assignment (CO 1, 2, 3, 6) 

This assignment is an opportunity to explore either your family or another individual's of your choice, within a multigenerational, multicultural, socio-political, and health status context. 

Index Person: In constructing the genogram, identify either yourself or your selected individual as the index person and complete the genogram using a three-generation approach. 

Construction: Con 

(https://genopro.com/setup/) struct the genogram as described in Chapter 5 of the Kaakinen et al. (2018) text in a Word or Excel format or using a Genogram template such as the free one found at the GenoPro web site: https://genopro.com/setup/. This template cannot be used however on a MAC computer. This will be submitted online in Canvas along with your narrative. Please include the following: 

  • Two previous generations (This means the genogram will have at least three generations: The index person, his/her parents, and his/her grandparents.) If the index person has children and grandchildren, they too should be included in the genogram. If the index person is married or in a significant relationship, the significant other and his/her immediate family (parents, siblings, children) should also be included. 

Symbols as illustrated on page 129 in Chapter 5 of Kaakinen et al. (2018) to indicate the nature of the relationships among family members. Use connecting lines and circles (around groups of symbols) to represent the nature of relationships between individual family members and groups of family members who are particularly close or who are left out of family interactions. Also be sure to draw a double circle or double square to represent the index person. 

  • Notes on the genogram drawing about people, events, health status, etc. next to the relevant person or generation. This might be facilitated by reviewing the questions from the section on the "Family Genogram Interview Data Collection" Box 5-5 on page 130 in Kaakinen et al. (2018). You (or the index person you are working with) may wish to interview other family members to obtain the information necessary to complete this assignment. 

Analysis: Once you have constructed the genogram, use Chapter 5 in Kaakinen et al. (2018) as a guide for interpreting and understanding the information. Write a 3-5 page narrative using APA format reflecting on the themes present in your genogram. A good source for up to date APA information is here - Link (https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa style introduction.html) 


Consider that you are seeing the index person in a primary care visit. Speak to the influence of personal relationships, health history, lifestyle, culture, and environmental factors on them and their family. Identify family strengths and stressors and the implications for the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care related to these factors. 

See example of a Genogram here: Sample Genogram D 

Genogram Assignment Rubric 


Genogram includes 2 previous generations. If the index person has children and grandchildren, they too should be included in the genogram. If the index person is married or in a significant relationship, the significant other and his/her immediate family (parents, siblings, children) should also be included. Includes symbols to indicate the nature of the relationships among family members. Uses connecting lines and circles (around groups of symbols) to represent the nature of relationships between individual family members and groups of family members who are particularly close or who are left out of family interactions. The index person is clearly represented. 

A 3-5-page narrative using APA format reflects on the themes present in the genogram. Speaks to the influence of personal relationships, health history, lifestyle, culture, and environmental factors on this family. Family strengths and stressors and the implications for the Nurse Practitioner in Primary Care related to these factors are identified. 

APA format and writing style 



50.0 pts 

40.0 pts 

10.0 pts 

Total Points: 100.0 





1st Husband 


Hypertension, Arthre's 

5/18/1915 5/4/2008 

Hypertension, Heart Disease, Arthrds 

Hostile-Trying to mend 


Depression, Obesty. 

Hypertension, Diabetes 


4/23/1918 1/4/2001 

Hypertension, Heart Disease 





2nd Husband X 


10/6/1920 1/21/1931 10/26/1996 1/14/2005 

Hypertension, Heart Disease 


Obesity, Lung Cancer, 

3/3/1902 5/24/1986 

Obesity. Alzheimer's Disease, Diabetes, Hypertension/High Blood Pressure 

3/3/1902 8/16/1974 

Hypertension, Astra, Congestive Heart Faure, Arthritis 

Hypertension, Diabetes, Gout 


Immigration- Germany (Both) 


Obesity, Artrics, Hypertension, Thyroid Disease, Depression 

Unknown-No contact with any of 


the family since his 

parents passed 








Breast Cancer, Asthma, Kidney 






Depression, Mutiple 





Autism, Heart Disessa Cancer (Hodgkin's 



1st cousin 


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