Our Nursing Papers Samples/Examples

Watson’s Nursing Theory of Caring

Type: Research Paper

Subject: Theory Development in Nursing

Subject area: Nursing

Education Level: Masters Program

Length: 6 pages

Referencing style: APA

Preferred English: US English

Spacing Option: Double

School: Chamberlain University


Watson’s Nursing Theory of Caring

Bonnie M. Burmood

Chamberlain College of Nursing

       Nursing theory has become a significant part in Nursing professional. Nursing theory has been defined as “a set of concepts and principles that define the scientific basis of nursing profession” (Iskandarani, Al Hammadi, Al Gizani, 2012, pg.115.) Nursing theories comprise both methods used in deriving the theories that are deductive and inductive reasoning. According to the study conducted, a nursing theory can be used to organize the nursing concepts thus explaining, predicting and controlling their practices (Kreitzer, 2015.) Theories are the backbone structure of the nursing practice and provide a method for collecting and analyzing data that is used to describe, predict nursing practices. Application of theory by nurse can influence the outcomes of the patient satisfactory scores, workflow design and patient care delivery.  

      Ultimately, the use of and development of the nursing theory is to aid in the improvement of patient care. Over the years, there are many theories and theorist that have been introduced in the nursing professional and has made a significant impact. However, this paper will focus on Jean Watson’s nursing theory caring. This paper will discuss the importance of nursing theory, summary of Jean Watson’s nursing theory, and application of Watson’s theory to a Nurse Practitioner role in nursing.

Importance of Nursing Theory

     Nursing theory plays an important role in the nursing profession. Theories provides the framework and the standards of nursing. The beginning of nursing theory began with Florence Nightingale in the 19th century. Theories help nurses use evidence based practice to drive their practice and to ensure patient outcomes. There are different theories available and the choice of theory depends on the situation of the person or the nursing facility. Nursing theories not only provides the direction and the structure of the nursing professional, but it forms a basis for education and research. The nursing theories are what differentiate the focus of Nursing from other fields. The nursing theories also serves as guides in the nursing assessment, intervention and evaluation of nursing care.

Also Read: Jean Watson Human caring nursing theory essay Examples

     By the nursing professional adapting a nursing theory, they gain a separate identity in the healthcare, as they provide patients and the healthcare professional to understand what the nurses provide and the role they play in the healthcare settings. Nursing theory is “used in all aspects of nursing care and assists the practicing nurse professionals in organizing, understanding, and analyzing patient data” (Matney, Avant, & Staggers, 2016.) Being a master nurse, nursing theory is important in everyday routine of the nurses. Masters programs help improve students understanding of the metaparadigm and improve analysis and assessment skills. Although, some of the research and experience indicates that some nurses believe that they can practice nursing without the use of nursing theory. However, to aid in the improvement of nursing profession, it is encouraged that hospitals and schools should follow a theoretical model and encourages staffs and the nursing students to use Nursing theories in the clinical practice (Iskandarani, Al Hammadi, & Al Gizani, 2012, pg. 121.)

Summary of Jean Watson’s Nursing Theory

     The Theory of Human Caring was introduced and developed by Jean Watson. This caring theory by Jean Watson was developed between the years 1975-1979. However, studies indicate that the latest development of the theory was done in 2007 Which led to the establishment of the Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI). WCSI is a nonprofit foundation that focuses on the model of caring, updating when needed, translating the model, and ensuring caring and healing for the public among other factors. Watson is a modern-day theorist who developed the theory of human caring focusing in on a holistic approach. Watson believed that for a person to be fully cured, the healing progression had to include mind, body, and soul. In Watson’s theory, there are ten carative factors of love-heart centered compassion. These factors were executed into theory to support and augment the caring occasion. Watson pointed out that “caring is the moral ideal of nursing whereby the end if protection, enhancement, and preservation of human dignity” (Pajnkihar, Stiglic, & Vrbnjak, 2017, para 1.) Watson addresses three of the four metaparadigm concepts in her theory. She addresses the human being as a person of value, someone who deserve to be cared for, understood, nurtured, and respected. Every patient has their own unique and unpredictable set of needs and it’s important to honor and accept all differences in patients’ customs or beliefs. Health is defined as “unity and harmony of mind, body, and soul associated with congruence between perceived and experienced self” (Rafael, 2000, pg.36.) health is more than just curing the illness, Watsons believes in a holistic approach. She discusses how nursing assessments are important. Acute care patients may require multiple, more in-depth assessments per day, compared to a patient being seen in the clinic. Nursing is addressed as experience of persons of health and illness by interactions professionally, scientifically, and ethically. As nurses establishing a bond with our patient helps promote healing. Promoting a meaningful relationship ensures patients feel safe and comfortable. Environment isn’t specially addressed in her theory. Instead she used the ten carative factors to address environment. “The ten carative factors represent the core of nursing based on knowledge base, clinical competency, and healing intention” (Rafael, 2000, pg. 36.) Watson’s main goal of her nursing theory is to “promote self-efficacy while lessening the negative impact of illness and promoting adjustment to the patient's’ unique situation” (King&Kornusky, 2016, pg.2.) Watson’s theory of caring has evolved beyond nursing. Many other healthcare professionals are using this theory such as: social workers, physical therapists, spiritual care workers, physicians, and others. Watson’s nursing theory of caring is “widely known and integrated into nursing education curriculum and has been adopted as a model of professional nursing practice” (Sadat-Hoseini&Khosropanah, 2017, pg.85.) In the healthcare setting of a clinic and being a nurse practitioner Watson’s theory of caring applies. It’s important to establish a relationship with the patient at the very beginning.      

     Communicating and providing physical care to patients “using a holistic approach, promotes healing of the mind, body, and spirit” (King&Kornusky, 2016, pg.2.) As a nurse practitioner, it is important to communicate, and make a connection with the patient to help in the healing process. Nursing is more than just meeting patient’s physical needs, but also meeting their psychosocial, social, and spiritual needs. Nurses with master’s degrees have more responsibility than just patient care. “Nurses with master’s degrees are responsible for systematic monitoring of clinical work, managing teams to improve clinical practice, initiating changes and improvements, which are directly introduced into the process of nursing care” (Pajnkihar, Stiglic, & Vrbnjak, 2017.)

According to Gauna (1998), carative factors are:

1.  Formation of a humanistic-altruistic system of values.

2.  Instillation of faith-hope.

3.  Cultivation of sensitivity to one’s self and to others.

4.  Development of a helping-trusting relationship.

5.  Promotion and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings.

6.  Systemic use of the scientific problem-solving method for decision making.

7.  Promotion of interpersonal teaching-learning.

8.  Provision for a supportive, protective, or corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural, and       spiritual environment.

9.  Assistance with the gratification of human needs.

10.       Allowance for existential-phenomenological forces.

     Jean Watson’s theory of caring is important in nursing care and provides important interaction with the patient that is being cared for. By practicing the carative factors listed above, nurses show love and kindness. Nurses provide care by showing the patient they are willing to listen to their desires and needs, by building a personal relationship, creating an environment that is based on healing and participating in true teaching-learning experiences.

Application of Watson’s Nursing Theory.

     Applying Watson’s theory of nursing has been found to be difficult for some nurses. Some nurses believe they don’t need to base their care of a patient off a nursing theory. “Nurses often view theory as being abstract and unrelated to their day-to-day practice” (Kreitzer, 2015.)

As an undergraduate now, I can relate Watson’s theory to my past education, and my current position as a bedside nurse. As a bedside nurse, I apply Watson’s theory almost every day. I communicate with my patients right away and effectively. I want to make them feel safe and comfortable and establish a relationship. I use assessment, intervention, and evaluation of patient care every day. These three things are a part of Watson’s theory. As a future nurse practitioner relating to Watson’s theory, my goal is to improve patient outcomes and improve patient satisfaction. Healthcare is constantly changing, as a nurse practitioner I will be responsible for implementing changes made in my facility. “Watson’s theory of human caring focuses on the relational processes that healthcare workers engage in with patients, families, and each other, processes that facilitate healing versus task completion” (Foss-Durant, 2014.)


     Overall nursing theory is shown to have an important impact on nursing profession. Watson’s theory of nursing has ten carative factors that represent the core of nursing. Watson’s holistic approach focuses on the relationship between the nurse and the patient. Watson’s theory gives nurses a separate identity in healthcare, and helps nurses understand their purpose and role in the healthcare setting. Nursing theory is an important discussion through a master’s degree program. It helps improve students understanding of the metaparadigm and improve analysis and assessment skills. Watson’s theory of nursing “enhances the understanding of principles, values, and meanings of nursing profession and helps nurses understand their role in a health care setting” (Iskandarani, Al Hammadi, Al Gizani, 2012.) As the future of healthcare is constantly changing, as nurses we must rely on these theories for structure and guidance. The future of nursing is focusing on improving patient outcomes and patient satisfaction.


Foss-Durant, A.M. (2014). Science of Human Caring. Global Advances in Health and Medicine,  

     3(1), BPA09. Retrieved from: http://doi.org/10.7453/gahmj.2014.BPA09.

Iskandarani, L.S., Al Hammadi, A.M., Al Gizani, R.A. (2012). Importance of Nursing Theories 

     as a Basis for Practice. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Medical Sciences, 19(1), 

     115-123. doi:10.4197/Med.19-1S.8.

King, J.B., Kornusky, J.M. (2016). Watson’s Theory of Caring: Integration into Practice.

     CINAHL Nursing Guide.

Kreitzer, M.J. (2015). Integrative Nursing: Application of Principles Across Clinical Setting. Rambam Maimonides Medical Journal, 6(2). E0016. http://doi.org/10.5041/RMMJ.10200

     Matney, S., Avant, K., Staggers, N. (2016). Toward an Understanding of Wisdom in Nursing.

     The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(2). doi:10.3912/OJIN.VOL2IN.01PPT02

Pajnkihar, M., Stiglic, G., Vrbnjak, D. (2017). The Concept of Watson’s Creative Factors in 

      Nursing Their (dis)Harmony with Patient Satisfaction. Peer J, 5, e2940. 


Rafael, A. (2000). Watson’s Philosophy, Science, and Theory of Human Caring as a Conceptual 

     Framework for Guiding Community Health Nursing Practice. Advances in Nursing Science

     23(2), 34-49.

Sadat-Hoseini, A.S., Khosropanah, A.H. (2017). Comparing the Concept of Caring in Islamic

     Perspective with Watson & Parse’s Nursing Theories.Journal of Nursing and Iranian 

     Midwifery Research, 22(2), 83-90. http://doi.org/10.4103/ijnmr.IJNMR_311

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