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How To Stop Snoring

How To Stop Snoring

Around 45% of the adults snore making them a subject of jokes or a nuisance to their partners. The cause of snoring is that airways become narrower making the air run into more resistance when breathing. It causes vibrations which is what we call snoring.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

How Much Water Should I Drink?

Drinking water is essential for our bodies. In fact, water takes up many parts of the human at 60%. It is not much as you think but needs constant replacement since we lose much fluid through sweating and voiding.

Demystifying Diabetes

Diabetes is a name for describing a metabolic condition causing a higher than normal levels of blood sugar. Diabetes impairs the body’s ability to produce or respond to insulin causing an abnormal metabolism of the carbohydrates. It also causes elevation of glucose levels in the blood.Different reasons contribute to an increase in blood glucose thus diabetes is of various types and intensity.

Can You Reverse Aging?

Can You Reverse Aging?

Aging is the process of growing older, but medically it terms summarizing the set of processes that contribute to deterioration and finally death. The processes contribute to a decline in health, productivity, and performance.

Best Exercises for Healthy Living

Best Exercises for Healthy Living

Intense exercising can be intimidating for those who just intended to work out to improve their health or fit better into their clothes. Good news is that exercising for non-athlete activities does not require lifting weights, running on treadmills, getting onto stationary bikes or running for miles.</p

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